1KW Blue Planet Nutrient 4X4 tent grow!

I've been recently lured into doing a SOG grow by 420fieds and other successful grow journals. I'm not certain yet what exactly I'll be doing yet as far as mediums and plant numbers are concerned. As of now I'm decoding between a 48 plant rooted clone grow in 4" rock wool cubes straight to 12/12, a 54" square SCROG with 9 girls which have vegged for 14-20 days in 3 gallon buckets of 75/25 perlite/vermiculite mix or 12 plants in a 75/25 fox-farm soil/perlite mix. vegged for 21 days or so, depending on how big they get I'll adjust as needed. I have a 54X54X84 Sun Hut XL tent, 1000w Quantum series ballast, Sun System Yield Master 6" reflector with a 1000w Hortilux HPS lamp, a 53"(outside measurement with flange) tray, 6" 400 CFM in-line Active Air fan, 160 CFM booster fan, 420CFM Can-Lite carbon scrubber, Hydro Logic RO system, Henna PH meter, TDS Teatr for the PPM reading, timer for the booster fan and of course the 3-part Blue Planet Nutrient nutes!! I need a grounded digi timer, digi temp./humidity monitor and smallish reservoir, any suggestions? As of now I've done a couple dry test runs with and old lamp to test the sound level of the system while figuring out exactly how I want to seal the room from any light coming or going... It's not at all audible from the outside of my house, which is a relief! I've been running a box fan by my window for the past month to get the neighbors used to the sound of a fan blowing in my apt. in case my system was louder than anticipated... this won't be an issue though. Any and all input is welcomed!

Big Thanks to the folks at Go Green Hydroponics in Encino, CA! They are super fickin cool heads who don't mind extending there infinite wisdom when needed, no shit! And the folks at Blue Planet Nutrients as well, they've been guiding me through the process of selecting the proper nutes for my needs, can't thank them enough!


Due to a lack of available rooted clones available and my impatience, I'm going with the 9 plant SCROG... A disappointment, but I'm still stoked to get this grow started. I'm picking up 9 rooted blue dream clones tomorrow from a buddy who's been my mentor and the person who really encouraged me to get my own grow going... Even though its not on the scale he's used too! He donated pretty much 1/2 of the equipment I'm using. Tomorrow night I'll update with pics!


Active Member
Cool. Looking forward to this.There are a bunch of folks using BPN here. I'm sure you'll meet them soon enough. Good luck.
Thanks TGG!

I went and picked up the clones from the nursery today and the Blue Dream weren't ready. Although, my boy had 13 rooted Chemdog clones that were ready to roll in 6" cubes on their 2nd day of veg! Pretty stoked on that. I put them under the lights at 50% and 3 feet above them. I have the ballast set at 50%. I set up my R/O system today and apparently I didn't replace the filter in the chamber that rests on top, stupid me. PPM's are at 200. Definitely hitting up the hydro store tomorrow to grab that filter, need to feed them mañana! Temps are little high as well, they're running around 80f and humidity is at 50%. My issue is venting cool air in... The ambient temp of the room right now is around 75. I have to figure out a stealthy way to bring cold air in from outside without alerting the neighbors. With the windows shut, it's completely silent. With a window cracked, you can hear the in-line fan a bit.



Day 2 in the tent and they're looking good... One has some yellowing, I'm not too concerned. It's probably having a tough time transitioning to the HPS, even though its only at 50% and 3 feet above the micro canopy. I'm going to feed them tonight the BPN for the first time... I had to buy water, but it's better than my tap which runs at 330 PPM and the PH is at 7.2. My new strategy, which is written in pencil, is to veg for 1 more week, pull clones, flip it to 12/12, defoliate/pull clones again around day 22 and start a perpetual grow. Or just veg them till they half fill the tent, which should be around 3 weeks in... We'll see!


I got my temps down to 77 today by positioning my intake right above a bowl of ice... A little research pays off sometimes. Humidity is still low though. I put 2 5 gallon buckets 1/3 full of water and a wet t-shirt partially submerged in one of the buckets. If there's been change, it's only minor as the humidity is at 40%. The girls look great though, except for one that has a some yellowing on its leaves.



Turned the lights up to 75% after getting home from work. Hopefully the tent stays under 80. My question is, is it better to run slightly hotter temps with more light or is it better to run perfect temps with less light? The girls are looking good, for the most part... The troubked one is still struggling a bit and a couple others have and couple slightly yellowed leaves. I might have over did it with the nutes.




Well-Known Member
you want to maintain as close to perfect temps as possible. unless you have co2, then you could run higher temps and more light.
Thanks for the reply CCCmints! Does it make a difference that when I run 750w My temps are around 80 and at 500w I'm at 77 degrees. I get 50% more energy from a 3 degree raise in temp... It would seem to be worth the extra heat, no? I really need to find a way to pull air directly from outside my window. Time to research some stealth techniques!
Left the tent at 75% while at work today and came home to temps at 84f with humidity at 27%. I restocked the ice bowl with large "cubes" made from to go containers and put about a 1/2 gallon of water into the tray, which has channels running through out, separating the 6" cubes from the water below. I fed them, dropped the lights back down to 50% and spread them out a bit. Despite my temp and humidity issues, the girls look to be growing at a good rate and are starting to fill out a bit! Temps are back down to 79 degrees and humidity is up to 41%.


Day 6 and they're looking great... Fed them a 500 ppm blue planet cocktail and cleaned the tray a bit. Temps are at 78 and humidity is at 48%, I'll take it for now. I still haven't found a method to pull cold air in from outside yet. This will solve both hunmidity and temp issues. I'm going to put the netting up today! For those of you reading this, when would suggest flipping them? I'm thinking they should be ready in a week or so. My plan is to wait till they fill half of the tent.


Dropped the lights to 18in and they seem to be doing well! I put a box fan in the doorway of the room my tent is in, pulling air from the room and increasing circulation of air inside as well. It's doing its job... After dropping the reflector to 18", the temps rose to 79 and after only 10 minutes with the new fan, the temps dropped to 76 with RH at 48%!
Do people only start commenting when they see buds that totally blow their fucking minds? Lol. I guess I never leave comments either. I've read MANY MANY grow journals over without ever posting a single comment...

Some pics of three of them... Coming along on pretty well. I upped the the nutes a touch yesterday to 600. They look like they didn't one bit.


Active Member
I was about to click to another thread when I saw your comment about people not leaving comments. I like this journal and your explaining all the process you are going through. I'm just watching, not really having much to say yet, except "Nice job!" and "Keep it up!" Not sure why the chatter is so low here, but I'm sure once the ladies start plumping up they'll get more attention.


Active Member
Well, now that I think about it... I was just on another thread from a guy running BPN for the first time. His babies looks amazing! Like something you'd see in a magazine and hardly anyone is commenting on his either. He's new to this forum, as you seem to be. I'm pretty new myself... maybe its clickish. Haha... get it? clickish... as in just clicking links... eh, nvm... tough crowd, tough crowd.
Check out this guys grow, he seems pretty cool and like he's been doing this awhile. https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/731315-blue-planet-nutrients-journal.html
Yo, TGG I appreciate you stopping by! I was half drunk and thought it was funny at the time and I still do. Lol. I really don't expect any props or accolades especially this early in the process, if ever. That kids grow is looking out of control! Super healthy and bushy and everything you'd hope for... Now he deserves some props! With that being said, here's a couple of pics of my chicas. The pics don't show it, but they're quite green, but no where near homeboys level. I've got a little nute burn on a couple of them and I'm still battling the heat. It's been hot the last couple days over here where I'm living, but when I flip them, my temps should be perfect, at least I hope. ; )

Thank again TGG!!!


Temps hit 89 today... Fucking heat wave in November! Things aren't going to be perfect under less than perfect conditions. After this cycle though, I'm probably going to put an A/C unit in. My landlords like to get involved in "projects" and I'm almost certain they'll want to assist in the matter. Going to 12/12 on day 14(or so) and the lights will be only running during cooler hours. I Fed the girls some BPN @650 PPM. I'm ramping up the nutes every 3 days by 50 PPM, unless shit starts going wrong.


I just had an aha/I'm an idiot moment. For whatever reason, I didn't think to leave my tents door open to help drop temps. They're starting to smell a bit, but of a great green not so distinct MJ odor so, I won't be too worried about the smell, for now at least. Temps went from 83 and change to 78 in less than 10 minutes. It would've taken a couple hours for the temps to to drop otherwise. This pic was taken @78 and in the previous post, the temps were @83.6.

