1lb from a 5 gallon bucket


Well-Known Member
ive been asking the same ? in a thread i posted a week ago.. really didnt get much response must people say :leaf:a bigger hole to reach your goal.


Well-Known Member
your going to be real hardpressed to get a lb from a 5 gallon bucket outdoors. go with over 10 gallon. a reg season outdoor plant is not meant for 5 gallon buckets go with 10 or more. the bigger the better i get lbs from 15 gallon buckets no prob. it still depends on light,soil,ferts,water,and care.


Active Member
The short answer: yes.

I pulled over a lb of Maui from a cheapo hydro store 5 gal black bucket last fall. I don't know how much over, maybe a couple ounces...anything over ~460g went directly into a big bag for me and my friends to smoke :)

Also I helped with a friends guerilla last summer in which they used all 5 gallon buckets spray painted like camo. We drilled like 1/4" holes in the bottom of each pot..maybe 8-12 holes in each one and the roots were growing from the bottom into the ground. They were not pulling a pound each, but im sure some of them were pounders.

If you wanna see pics of huge yields from 5 gal buckets, check out fdd's outdoor '08 thread. He had a plant in a 5 gallon bucket that must've been a 2 pounder. The fucking plant would fall down from its own weight if there was a slight dew in the morning. I don't think there was actually any soil left in the bucket by harvest...just 5 gallons of pure white roots lol. Not sure if it was Santa Berry, or maybe GDP... Or was it the HiJack? ;)

Anyway, it IS possible but sodalite is right... its like a million times easier to grow a 1 lb plant in a 10 or 15 gallon bucket than it is a 5 gal.

Carolina Green Bud

Active Member
I've got 5 seedlings (kaya gold) started in 16oz drink cups, that I will be transferring to 5 gallon buckets soon. They came from feminzed seeds, so if I get 5 females and a half pound per plant, I will be very happy.


Well-Known Member
i got almost a pound and 3/4's off a sweet tooth #3 that was in a 5 gallon pot. :cool:
pics are scattered throughout this site, and on my other comp.