1month into growing with pix

im growing 2 plants in my closet with just 4 25 watt cfl's for about 7 weeks now and they grew to about almost a foot. but i had the same problem at first when they were that young, mine never seemed to wanna grow taller and was freaking me out but just give it time and you'll see them explode in height in no time. but move the lights just a bit closer to the plants. as long as they dont touch the leaves, they can't get burned and it's better to have a plant that has nodes closer together when they get bigger.
kool thanks for the info but im just ganna try flowering her now hopefully she's a girl(i just got some fem snow white seeds from nirvana and want to get them started) oh yea i fim her the other day going to wait a week then flower
hey guy got another ? for ya i've been flowering for a week and a few days and inoticed that small balls are forming at some of the nodes wanted to know what u guys thing i hope she isnt a male anyway any input is greatly appreciated :weed::joint:
hey guy got another ? for ya i've been flowering for a week and a few days and inoticed that small balls are forming at some of the nodes wanted to know what u guys thing i hope she isnt a male anyway any input is greatly appreciated :weed::joint:

I hate to be the bringer of bad news but they look like balls to me. I'm not seeing any female pistols.

Here's a good pic for ya so you can compare and judge/get a feel for sexing plants.

View attachment 1120347

Take care,

- DiGGy
yeh definetly a boy, you could save the pollen to cross breed or just chuck him out now as it is a male, no point in growing him for longer unless your gonna use the pollen.
yeh no probs, cross breeding is simple - just use the pollen from a male plant and sprinkle on to a female plants pistills, but by the looks of your pic, you would need to grow that male a bit longer so it has pollen in abundance & ready to go. You can store pollen also, for when need be.
Word. What Julez said.

Just grow that male a bit more away(Preferably outside) from your females. When some pods look like they're about to pop, remove them using a razor or sharp scissors, get a small jar and throw a few in there.. You can save the pollen in a dark cabinet for a few months that way. Once the time comes and you'd like to cross it with another of your growing strains, take a paintbrush and dip it into the jar.. tap away the extra pollen and lightly brush one of your female plants flowers. Best to do this on the bottom ones and make sure to be super careful not to dust any other flowers. Only that flower dusted will grow seeds and you can use them for later use. Plant those and you'll have a cross breed.

Take care,

- DiGGy
hey guys do u think i could make hash out of it??im not expecting to get much jus want to know if its possible? and how should i go about doing it?
not to sure to be honest, maybe someone else can jump in, if the male plant has alot of thc of the leaves i dont see why not.
hey guys do u think i could make hash out of it??im not expecting to get much jus want to know if its possible? and how should i go about doing it?

Nope. Hash takes a lot of trichromes (Keef) which a male plant wont have. I wouldn't even smoke it (unless you like headaches).

Take care,

- DiGGy