1st aerogrow plant leaves are discolored, many pictures


I have an Aerogrow pro200 and I am trying to grow some white widow. This is the end of the third week. I have been using .75 strength of Fox Farms Big Bloom, Grow Big, and Tiger Bloom. Been using distilled water by the gallon for water.

The tent is 4x4x6, with 37% humidity, 84 F, an Exhale Co2 bag, PH 6.0, PPM 945 and one osculating fan.

According to the schedule I was supposed to use 3 tsp of grow big, used about 75% of that. I also added 1 tsp of Diamond Nectar for the roots. Half a tsp of Liquid Karma.

I changed the water yesterday after 60 mins of letting the system run the plant was looking sickly. I kept 70% of the water in the system and diluted it bringing ppm down to 500 and PH down to 5.3.

From what I have read and the limited knowledge that I have on this subject I belive it to be either Magnessium or Potasium deficiency. But really I have no idea, they both look the same to me.

I would really like some guidance here so that I can learn from this dreadful mistake of mine.

attached are a few pictures.



Well-Known Member
Shabadd: I have to agree with Michiganderstigmas on the pH. The research sources I have say for hydroponics you should be at 5.5 to 6.0, with 6.0 being the highest but 5.8 being ideal. Temperature seems a little high and the humidity might be a little low. Picture 35kb looks like a little nute burn on the leaf edges. You might have a few variables to clear there. I hope that help. HSA


I appreciate the help. I purchased an inline fan for the tent, the temperate has now stabilized at 80 F. I have also brought the pH down to 5.5. I will watch the plant to see how it goes. The Aerogarden is a pretty interesting little machine of science and wonder.


Well-Known Member
also that plant might a little young for a solution of 500ppm, try bringing that down, then gradually raise it. Also if there is some way you could bring the room temp down a little i'm sure that would help as well. What is your reservoir temp?


Active Member
I'm no expert, but I don't how good it is to only be three weeks into veg and using two different bloom formulas in addition to the grow plus everything else you have. Have you been using the nutes since seed germination? If so, you should have only been using them from the third week on, plus 75% of each nute at this point is high. I'd use no more than 50% of anything. I would switch to RO water - if you have one of those Watermill Express places in your town, you can get high quality RO water for 15 cents a gallon. At Walmart, you can get it for about 37 cents. Get Botanicare's Cal-Mag Plus to go along with that RO water... Cal Mag is just something you should be using regardless really, I wouldn't grow again without it. I use Liquid Karma too, never more than 70% of the recommended dosage, usually only half like you. My main issues during veg were cold room temps, poor humidity, and calcium deficiency. I now have both a cool mist and a warm mist humidifier to help a little depending on the weather(it changes in Texas all the time) plus added Cal-Mag and things are fine. What ever you do, get Cal-Mag, you won't regret it. You can order an 8oz bottle off Ebay for under $10 with free shipping.


New Member
yeah ppm too high for aero;

I'd also check your nutes with hydrobuddy search around for it; easily available online and some info on here.



Plant looks much better after adding cal mag, and lowering nute strength to .25% of suggested amount.

The roots have had a serious growth spurt the last few weeks.

Just wanted to thank everyone who commented and helped me out with my plant issues.