1st Attempt at growing!


Well-Known Member
At that size you water once every 3-4 days, and NO nutes till 3-4 weeks...and get rid of clear cups..the roots will not grow right because of the light exposure.. $ store red 16oz plastic beer cups..hell even margarine cont.. just not transparent........ AND YOU MUST HAVE DRAINAGE... LUCK.


New Member
proper pots=proper plants.
start again its no big deal.took me 20+times to learn.
its a skill you learn with trial and error and thats whats frustrating.but be patient and you will soon learn more and more and it will all come together unless you give up and thats being defeated by a weed. FUCK THAT.

good luck.


Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
It doesnt always take 20 times, theres a link to my current grow,
(which is my first grow).

It is from seed and my plants are 43 days old now. check it out if you want, im a newb to growing but with enough research and love your plants will flourish!!! The RIU community will supply you with all the info you need, but watching videos and reading grow books is good too, but honestly you can find all the info here..

GL man and i hope i get to see those beauties bud!! :joint:

mr west

Well-Known Member
anone with the smalest gardening knowlage can grow good weed by the ounce lol. Its not rocket science tho some ppl treat it as such lol. Im glad i used to help me mum as a kid lol.


New Member
what the fuck does (lol) mean.and by the way i knew fuck all about gardening and quite a bit about rocket science and how to spell.and my mother was a whore she only smoked crack and knew fuck all about gardening either.(BITCH).


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the advice...and i just seperated the 3 in the cup...but didnt read this before..so theres no holes on the bottom..
and i just learned that the soil needs to be completely dry...and im gonna change the transpanter glasses....and plus me and my mom are gonna be to the dollar store and get some dolla pots...



Well-Known Member
so today i added my old air purifier and did some cardboard mods to push air through it into my closet.. *took pictures*

and transplanted the 3 in a cup to seperate cups...stil didnt poke holes on hte bottom...should but stil decicidin on how to do it..

took some advice...and covered the clear blue cups with line paper...for a quick fix...

check it out...


mr west

Well-Known Member
u really need drainage in thos cups man. Like the man said just heat up a scewdriver and poke some holes in the bottom of ya cups 5 min job.


Well-Known Member
with the plants still in it...
and one other thing..after i transplant its suppose to be limp...
cause one of my little babies are....but then i think it has too much water as luda said...

im gettin pots tmr...so its gonna be fine

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Good plan, and b4 you transplant make sure that if there is not that much drainage.... ADD Some! its worth the time and effort! :joint:


Well-Known Member
i got a question...what nutrients should i get for my plants...i been looking and i dont know...all i read was that it should be 20-20-20


Well-Known Member
do you know where i can get some of that?

and today i repotted them...
ill take a picture when they lookin better...


Well-Known Member
so i waited a few days like 2 to be exact, got new nutrients from rona for like 3 dollars, added to my water sprayed it...waited a day but they look better..

i just wanted to know why my biggest plant has yellow leaves?

its like greenish yellow, i read from this chart;
Yellow Lower Leaves Yes Yes Yes No No Yes
Cannabis Nutrient and Deficiency Table

and i was wondering where i could get some MAGNESIUM (Mg) cause i looked but cant find any

