1st Ever Grow. bubbleponic/whitewidowXbigbud


Thanks for all the love and info guys.. The girls have been on 12/12 since lastnight, and there is NO bugs in there..knock on wood. the spots i thought i was seeing were on the like first pair of leaves she got way underneath and in the back...it turned out to be some fade or something no big deal...lol i was trippin for nothing..so also like a dumbass i forgot i spent a fortune on this cfl light banks and that i have another 2 bulbs to switch out...drop the kelvin or something..anyway i have flowering bulbs..so i'm gonna throw those in today and post some more pics...better ones so then maybe somone can guide me and say ok chop this leave off and this leave..i think i know anyway..i'm just debating because i read it can slow down your plant growth because it has to take time to meand itself...so it seems like some ppl are really against trimming/touching the plant in anyway...others lollipop, trim, TOPPING witch i read was terrible..i should post the article...anyway this is the end..my friend..


Well-Known Member
Everything is looking good over here. As far as you trimming your leaves i personally was against it my whole grow. But ended up having to trim some leaves that got too close to the lights. You going to get different responses regarding the trimming some people says its ok and some people feel like it slow growth. You really going to have to make that choice yourself. But it's some really cool people on this site that may be able to actually walk you through which leaves should be trimmed if u decide to do it. As far as Topping being terrible i also have read that from some people that didn't do it the correct way. Topping is only good when its still in the veg stage and you still have to give them time to recover after the cut. Its hard to get 100% accurate advice when it come down to growing these plants. What works for one person may not necessary work for you. Just pay close attention to your plants and they will let you know what they can and can't handle.


Hey just more pics every one...put in my 30k cfls today..have 50k in there too..for that multi-spectrum goodness..hahah...so anyway, i'm pretty sure those fan leaves are just steming out and providing shade,,,as if in nature right? not really doing much but stretching out with 9 sometimes 11 leaves i think...so it should be ok to clip a couple back if they're really crowdin out bud sites..if that's correct than i should know what to do in a week or 2..enjoy.



Well..this is a very sad fuckin day m8.....my op was compromised...had to pull the white widowXbig bud out...i just am gonna have to buy a tent to keep the smell under control or get more stealthier...but hey atleast now i know i can grow plants. these were just over 4 weeks and into flowering for about 5 days..the snowryder however i saved. and its going to be in an outside evironment. but i don't know how long she'll handle with out the airstone..i got her in a huge pot almost like a bubble bucket..suspened above water about 2 inches but roots soaked in a light bloom nute with RO-ed water..it just was sooo hard...ugh i hated pulling that bewt...ahh you'll have that i spose..no legal issues here either..just some one who does NOT like the smell of weed(not I of course). i was a week to late on gettin ONA gel...if any one can recommond something for SMELL..for my next grow please let me know because i would still have those girls..and they were shooting up soo nice..damn...well heres some pics..i'll keeep yuh updated...probably going to be atleast a month before i attempt another grow...idk some times i just get the itch to grow lol...i think i'm addicted to growing..i love it..so i'm glad i joined RIU i'd be lost without ya allll....



Also i know the pics of the plants are bad..sorry...and also those roots..were pretty fuckin white..i don't know why they look so tanish dark in the pic..they had a little pink on them from the nutes..and that's it.. they were just perfect...wish i had a better cam to show..


Well-Known Member
Damn dude i'm sorry to hear that.. I'm going through the same thing somewhat.. My mother in law came over the house and she said she could smell my plants soon as she opened the front door. Mines are upstairs in a tent but yet she still smelled it. i already plan on getting a carbon filter to put on my exhaust fan and hopefully that will help. I know when i harvest the whole house is going to be stinking but nobody here is really complaining. I'm interested in seeing what some are the other growers are using to mask the smell.


Thanks cons..i thought i was gonna break down and cry..that was like killing my kid...ugh it sucks soo much...i mean shit you think i have what it takes to grow tho? this can be a very exspensive hobby,,or so some call it...i just want to grow my own DANK bud and not sell it..just smoke it for my head..that's it.....wtf..


Well-Known Member
based on what i've seem of course you have what it take to grow ur own dank. plus for you to feel like you killed your own kid it show that you really have a love for growing. I damn near cried when my fan fell on one of my plants and i thought it was going to die. I don't agree with it being that expensive tho but i already planning on selling a couple of ounces from all of my grows just to make my money back from the equipments i brought. Good dank sell for 400 an ounce here and for all my growing equipment i paid close to 1200 so if i manage to sell 3 ounces i made my money back. But since you just growing to smoke you still going to be saving money considering you not spending it on weed.