Well-Known Member
I don't think it matters where you live these days, the skanks will find you in the end. I lived in the East End of Glasgow for about 10 years or so...1 particular motor of mine, a Renault 5, just kept getting broken into. I am not sure why because I always took the facer of my steroe...but I think because most people hid them under the seat, that neds would smash your windo or bust your lock just to check. After the 3rd time of replacing my lock, I ended up not bothering. So basically it was left unlocked for about a year without even a lock on the door. Nobody touched it!!!
My mate from Glasgow came back to his car at the Barrowlands one day to find a Pen knife stuck into his door lock. There was a Post It note attached to the pen knife that read: "New Door Key". I was pissin masell.
Here's another mad story, guy at my wifes work wanted to get rid of his refridgerator, so he called the council and arranged for them to pick it up. 2 days later, no show, so he phones them and they say they will collect, blah blah..Couple more days, nothing. So the guy puts a sign on it. Fridge for Sale, £50, ask inside with an arrow pointing to his door. Within a few hours the fridge was gone...no sign of the council though!!!! I thought that was a peach.
My mate from Glasgow came back to his car at the Barrowlands one day to find a Pen knife stuck into his door lock. There was a Post It note attached to the pen knife that read: "New Door Key". I was pissin masell.
Here's another mad story, guy at my wifes work wanted to get rid of his refridgerator, so he called the council and arranged for them to pick it up. 2 days later, no show, so he phones them and they say they will collect, blah blah..Couple more days, nothing. So the guy puts a sign on it. Fridge for Sale, £50, ask inside with an arrow pointing to his door. Within a few hours the fridge was gone...no sign of the council though!!!! I thought that was a peach.