1st grow 30 days in...CFL


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the encouragement!
I didn't have the money to buy a HPS & ballast. And its too warm in the closet as it is, the extra heat from a MH or HPS would roast my plants, and its only early June and hasn't even gotten hot yet. Maybe next grow I'll get an HPS because then I will be flowering during winter when its nice and cool. Eventually, I'd like to have a vegg room and a flower room. I'll use the tubes I have now to grow my sprouts or clones and get an hps to flower.

Today I chopped down #5. It was growing balls :(
6 I thought was going to be a male because it looked just like 5, but today looks like hairs coming out.
so that makes 7,3,9,10,and 6 with hairs. 1,4,8 cant quite tell but I think they are female. 5 is gone (male) and 2 could be next to go...looking like a dude.
7 has inherited the lights that 5 had so 7 now has 10 CFL's and 3 20 watt tubes.
7 is now pushing hairs out all over, looks soooo cool. 7 is queen of the closet!


Well-Known Member
Just buy a 150w HPS security light.. Supposedly its only like $70 ish.. And it requires a little rewiring and shit. I plan on buying one soon. The good this about this is ur buying the ballast and bulb all in one! for pretty cheap at that.


Well-Known Member
CHopped down #2 today. Definately a dude...

But #6 IS a female so... 7,3,9,10,& 6 all girls
5,2,& now looks like 4 = male
1 and 8 not sure yet but i think female.
Now I'm thinking about making #1 a mom. It's going to be the last to show sex and so should be no prob to revert back to veg. Plus its small so I'm thinking about gettin a big box to put her in under 24/0 lights untill I harvest the rest of these. Then I'll clone almost all the branches off of #1 to have an all new batch of all females. I figure i dont really need and didn't plan on having 7 females, so I can sacrifice one for now to give me a whole new batch of plants later. What do you guys/gals think?


Well-Known Member
Ok I can't stand to be wasteful and just tossing my males out is tuff to swallow considering all the good times we had lol so...For the experience i took a clone off of #2 put it in filtered water with a few drops of superthrive. I'll see if it takes root, how long that takes and whatever else I can learn so when I clone a female I'll know more of what to expect.
Thank you plant #2 for donating your body to science! :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah the pic wasn't too good, but comparedd to what I'm seeing on my other plants female this was NOT one of them. Tiny little wussy balls it had.
Damn. You giving me a guilt trip man! lmfao Its not ez choppin these things as it is...But some of them have got to go! The closet is shrinking daily lol
Anyway I cloned it, and the clone is with the rest under 12/12 so....stay tuned lol


Well-Known Member

R.I.P #2
Here's a lady- #9

Here's the Queen of the closet- #7

Pics enlarge in my gallery for detail :)
Not bad for a rookie using yard dirt and miracle grow!:mrgreen:


Active Member
how many days old were your ladies and uh..gentlemen before they started showing their sex signs?

I'm so very curious about my one plant..its been about 31 days and nothing yet..but shes(hoping she) is still in veg state right now.

Your grow is lookin pretty stylin bro, I wish i had all your CFLs..haha im greeeeeen with envy bro! HAHA Peace


Well-Known Member
5 and 7 both showed 1st and on the same day about a week ago. I think was day 37 veg. 5 just had a little bump and seven had a full-on hair. I went 12/12 3 days later.
7 is way ahead of the others. At this rate I'll be smokin 7 (hehehe) while I wait for the rest to finish!


Active Member
fuck yea its gotta smell like amsterdam in there!
question: what kinda flora tubes did you use starting out? 6500K? how many lumens do those put out and how many watts do each use? Thanks!

I used 32 23watt CFLs for 10 plants and the elctricity ran up way too fast that I decided to put it outside because i live in a ultility strict apt.