1st grow, bagseed, drip hydro


Well-Known Member
OK, here is my journal. Everything is a work in progress at the moment, changes happen as funds permit, plenty still too be done but its working so far.

I am attempting to do a perpetual harvest based on Al B's https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/6592-get-harvest-every-2-weeks.html but on a smaller scale.

Vegging is done under a 130W CFL and 2 23W CFLs.
Flowering is done under a 600W HPS.
Clones are under 2 x 2ft fluros in a controlled clonebox.

I'm using Plantastic nutes for veg, and Dutch Gold for flower.
The closet is in a room with aircon which runs during the day as I'm in a tropical climate

As this journal will be updated as i go along please don't post in here, but if you like my grow don't hesitate to give me +rep!!

From seed-

3 weeks old-

5 weeks old- (the plant at the top got topped by bugs very early in life)

6 weeks old with clone-

8 weeks with clone-

Overall shot of setup-

Clone 1st day of flower-

12th day of flower-

New clone box with a fresh batch of clones-

That is where I'm up to at this point, I'll add more pics as things change


Well-Known Member
Okay bad news, they were all fuckin hermies!!!! Damn freaks of nature! lol
So I chopped the lot. If you can help it don't use bagseed, anywayz I now got 8 new Hindu Kush seeds that i will be starting a new journal with shortly.
