1st grow, cheap, bagseed, almost comical.


Active Member
Ok, so really don't get your panties in a bunch, because i know there are a bunch of people who will want to come on here and point out every single flaw of this grow op!

This is not a serious grow!!!
I am doing this because i just like experimenting.

Plus... i'm on probation for assault, and my guitar broke, so it gets kinda boring around here.

... So these are pictures of the little "growroom" i have set up!

I think it's rather comical. I hid it in my dresser, behind my large collection of band tee's... haha!

1st one shows you; my clothes are up front, and in the top/ back of the dresser you can see the lamp attachment.

2nd and 3rd just show you a random shot i took with the clothes out to show you an actual view of my sweet (not) set-up.... i'm anticipating no less than 15 or 16 feet from this... ha SARCASM! :weed:

So tomorrow i'll post a picture of the seed w/ tap root. (hopefully) and whatever else i might think is necessary.

Whole cost spent on this production... $11.74 for the light fixture and a 100 watt replacement (like 24 watt) daylight CFL.

Can't wait till my mom finds out about all this, she's gonna be PISSED!! i broke through the back of my dresser to run the chord for the light.... (umm i have no clue how that happened, i swear!!!)



New Member
lol nice setup,heres a cheap fix for that black plastic go get some tin foil,that work heaps better

and i recon the seed will sprout then die in a couple of weeks due to no enuff light

there my thorts


Well-Known Member
in my head I hear people chanting: "please catch on fire, please catch on fire"

but I really dont want it to..make the voices stop

theres sooo many things wrong with that post. I just wanted to get a good laugh bcuz of what the title says ...but now im rather scared for U.

good luck kid


New Member
in my head I hear people chanting: "please catch on fire, please catch on fire"

but I really dont want it to..make the voices stop

theres sooo many things wrong with that post. I just wanted to get a good laugh bcuz of what the title says ...but now im rather scared for U.

good luck kid
lmao u cant blame him for trying


Well-Known Member
lol nice setup,heres a cheap fix for that black plastic go get some tin foil,that work heaps better

and i recon the seed will sprout then die in a couple of weeks due to no enuff light

there my thorts
nononononono do not listen to what he is saying
tin foil is one of the biggest nonos
your seedling will have enough light to live but not to thrive, the plant will be stretched and your end yield will be extremely low


Active Member
hahahah yes i will be watching lol
oh it should be worth the watch.

plans for this are
1) keep it and maybe i'll actually get to transplant it outside... that's like the best scenario
2) I'll give it to someone or relocate it if it ACTUALLY does good and overgrows my shabby 16x12x12 dresser cabinet haha
3) my PO will search my house and i go back to containment. unless i pull an amazing James Bond secret agent ditch and dispose of it real quick...

but since it's not a drug charge, and it's been 2 months and they haven't searched, i'm feeling as if they might not... knock on wood right.


Active Member
lol nice setup,heres a cheap fix for that black plastic go get some tin foil,that work heaps better

and i recon the seed will sprout then die in a couple of weeks due to no enuff light

there my thorts

haha that's no biggie. I'm seriously growing outdoors, it's just end of February and not suitable AT ALL for anything located outdoors...

This is just me having to much free time.

I honestly don't think though that it'll catch fire... but then again what do i know??


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
haha that's no biggie. I'm seriously growing outdoors, it's just end of February and not suitable AT ALL for anything located outdoors...

This is just me having to much free time.

I honestly don't think though that it'll catch fire... but then again what do i know??
it shouldnt catch fire from one cfl

i just catch a good chuckle everytime i look at it
just do not use tin foil.


Well-Known Member
haha that's no biggie. I'm seriously growing outdoors, it's just end of February and not suitable AT ALL for anything located outdoors...

This is just me having to much free time.

I honestly don't think though that it'll catch fire... but then again what do i know??
Oh My God....This is the end of January.....what the hell is going on??


Active Member
ah now why should i stop posting?? apparently it was good enough to merit a response from you... just my argument.

I know plenty about guitars man, this is a weed forum, not a floating trem. management board... let's not get out of line here.

Who says that this has to be super serious. I enjoy just messing around from time to time. I don't think i'll honestly jeopardize myself getting in trouble again...... i'll pull the plug on it before anything gets that serious.


Well-Known Member
then how do u explane my avatar is that bud big enufff???

the tops of the plants were surrounded with foil since day one

how far into flowering is your plant.
and to be honest its not verrry big at all
i would guess 5 weeks in

post a new thread asking the advanteges and the disadvanteges in the forum general marijuana growing, and see what you get


Well-Known Member
ah now why should i stop posting?? apparently it was good enough to merit a response from you... just my argument.

Bcuz this is an Adults only forum...18+ like a porno site

and Im the big dogg so I have a bunch of flees hanging off my balls


Active Member
Oh My God....This is the end of January.....what the hell is going on??
oh... haha or january. i knew it was the end of some month. hahahah :clap:

i can only try. I don't pay attention to the date, because i haven't got much going at the mo'. but honest mistake all the same.

it's like people putting 2008 when it's 2009... well maybe a bit worse than that.


Well-Known Member
Aluminum foil is no more than 55% reflective - if used, make sure that the dull side is the one that is used to reflect the light. When it becomes creased its reflectivity is even lower (around 35%.) It is also very dangerous to use because it creates hotspots easily, is electrically conductive, and is a fire hazard when it is in close contact with HID lighting. Attaching this to walls is a pain and usually using aluminum tape or glue is the best way. This should only be used as a last resort, and even then its usefulness is questionable.