1st grow, indoor AK-48 (fem)/ Kiwiskunk closet (pics)


Active Member
Hello and welcome to my First Grow ever.

Just a quick intro , A while ago I , like many others believed all the government lies and stupid propaganda, that this plant would instill drug induced insanity fits of uncontrollable rage. I believed the whole thing and took it for truth. Then after many years of being blinded I awoke from the brainwashing. I have done a 180 degree turn. I now support the legalization of weed in every state in the union. Decriminalize and legalize.
/steps off soap box

Ok, so the purpose of this grow is to provide myself and maybe a couple of my close friends (haven't decided yet) with some good smoke. In my area of the country it is infinitly hard to come across anything more than mexican brick schwag. Not only is that unacceptable to most people but we have to deal with it or go without. Don't get me wrong, it gets the job done, but the "supply" is going out. So being the resourceful person that I am said, "hey im gonna try and grow".

Thus began my research. Through this research I found rollitup.org. I lurked on this site for 2 weeks picking up grow tips, reading FAQs, watching other peoples past grows here in this very forum. All this was so amazing, I had found the mecha of MJ growing on the internet. I searched for the best place to buy seeds from, what lighting i should buy for stealth closet grows, what medium i should use, and how to ph balance my plant's water. Finally I went out and bought a book from one of the people that posts here. Seemorebuds aka Garden Knowm. I recommend this book to any new grower. Here is a link to his Thread where he gives some previews of the book. https://www.rollitup.org/cfl-growing/40884-buds-less-cfl-book.html

My 1st grow follows his advice in the book. I use it more of a guild-line rather than down to the word. With that being said, I do welcome any and all suggestions and criticism.
I am on Day 5 of the grow because I wanted some pictures of some progress instead of just dirt. I started counting the days when I saw a plant poke out of the soil. Germination took about 2 days more like 1 1/2 days.

For germination I used the paper towel method. Once when I saw the tap root poke out they were placed in peat cups and kept moist. Now its day 5 and I have 2 out of the 4 plants that i germed as sprouts (seedlings). I will try to do daily updates, and include as many pics as possible of the grow set up and plants.

Again welcome to my grow and + rep to those who comment




Active Member
Finally here is Day 5

Both plants stand about an inch 1/2 tall and the first set of Single bladed, serrated true leaves have opened.

In one picture one of the AK-48s had the hull stuck not allowing the cotyledons to unfold so after much debate and asking for some advice from the live chat, i removed it. She has bounced back and those leaves are looking healthy.



Active Member
Day 6

The two plants that have sprouted are growing strong. I pay close attention to my plants and I am not sure if this is cause for alarm but... on the one on the right there is a yellow spot on the right leaf. It magically appeared over night. Other than that they both look really healthy.

I have them in light 24hrs right now. I keep their soil moist and give them a couple of tablespoons of water a day. Any suggestions?

If you can tell where the yellow spot is sometimes my camera has a hard time focusing when i zoom in.





Active Member
I just ordered some AK 48 from Attitude like 2 nights ago and it should be coming in soon. Sub'd and GL... i wanna see how this works since i was planing on using literally the same soil and setup!bongsmilie

PS check out mine in my sig


Active Member
I just ordered some AK 48 from Attitude like 2 nights ago and it should be coming in soon. Sub'd and GL... i wanna see how this works since i was planing on using literally the same soil and setup!bongsmilie

PS check out mine in my sig
Wow great minds think alike LoL

Ty For subbin! +rep




Active Member

Day 7

You remember how there was a yellow spot on the tip of one of the leafs on the plants, well it seems to me that its spreading whatever it is.

I wish I had a better camera to show you guys but its discoloration at the tips of the leaves now, and I don't know if i am worrying about nothing and this is normal growth behavior or what. I feel like a over protective parent. /sigh well anyways i took some more pictures and only the 1st one can you even tell if there is a yellow spot or not. I wish they had plant doctors like they do with vets. I guess plants are harder to diagnose than animals. ohh well, i just hope everything turns out ok.
If anyone knows what the hell it is please by all means tell me.

On a happier note I got some activity from one of the other plants. It seems that I am about to have another one pop the surface soon, probably later today. :mrgreen:





Active Member
Its not very good to have discoloration this early!!
Maybe your HPS is to close??
Is that a Soiless medium??

They are not HPS, all my lights are CFLs.

The lighting is 3 inches away and do not produce that much heat.

Do you think they are getting burned by the lighting?

It's not soiless , they are those compressed pellets that when water is added expand and then you plant the seed into those and keep them moist.



Active Member
Day 8

The yellow spots on the one plant seem to not be affecting the overall growth of the plant. What started as a single yellow spot on the tip of the leaf soon spread to the other leaf but the plant still seems to be healthy. I have no idea why that appeared.

Anyways, other than those yellow spots the other plant is coming along very well. Both plants are showing there second set of true leaves and they are going to be much larger than the 1st set. That I read is a good sign.

One of the 2 un sprouted plants is making its debut either today or tomorrow. The regular AK-48 should be well on its way. The kiwiskunk is a late shower still diggin around in the dirt. Haven't given up hope on her.

I am starting to wonder when it would be a good time to transplant them into bigger pots. Are they still too young? Any feedback would be great.

here are the pics




Active Member
Day 9

Well after taking today's pics i've decided to transplant the two plants into bigger pots. It's pretty amazing the amount of growth that happened over a 12 hour period when I was away. The second set of leafs have are almost completely unfurled and they look to be almost as twice as big as the first set.

The only thing I am concerned about is shocking the little girls when I transplant them. Both of the plants stand about 2 inches tall and the 3rd set of leaves are showing. I am still wondering if they are old enough and big enough to move out of the propagator and into a larger pot.

If anyone can give me some advice on this it would be bad ass. As always....





Well-Known Member
Good job man, keep the good work up, I would not worry about the yellow spots too much, just keep a eye on them. Good luck JR


Active Member
Good job man, keep the good work up, I would not worry about the yellow spots too much, just keep a eye on them. Good luck JR

Thank you for the positive energy Man. +rep.

Do you have any opinion on when i should transplant?




Active Member
OK after careful consideration from the helpful people over at the live chat TY. (hemiplants) I decided to go ahead and transplant my two girls to bigger pots and out of the propagator.

Talk about a nerve wrecking experience. My hands were all shaking , i broke out in a sweat, and my heart was racing. This is my first grow so I am trying to do everything right. Anyways here are some new pics of my ladies in their new homes.

