1st grow...Leaf Problems Please Help


Active Member
I have 2 babies that I planted on 7/3
1 is almost double in size over the smaller one.

I have noticed that the bigger one has started to turn a light green and has yellow/rust colored spots on its leaves..kind of looks like someone took a cheese shredder and ran it across the leaf once , while the smaller plant looks normal...

I'm very concerned....lets call the big plant # 1 and the small plant # 2

#1 since last night has gotten worse but still is growing a a pretty good pace

what could be the problem? any help would be greatly appreciated

Meduim: MG 3 months Continuous release NPK is 21-7-14
CFL's: 2 26w, 2 27w, 2 15w, and 1 14w all are cool white daylight
Pots: 8 inch thats what it says on the bottom
small desk fan blowing on them.
24/0 light schedule....last night was the 2 week mark so I switched to 18/6

I used superthrive a week ago when I transplanted from dixie cups.




Active Member
I just got up from a short nap and went to check on my babies......now I have noticed yellowing of the tips of my older leaves and the 2 leaves are curling up, and a few are curling down :(

I hope my PH isn't off...I went to the store to buy a PH meter....I checked the PH but the meter wouldn't move past 7 so I'm not sure if its broke or not.

I"m just confused, because plant #2 isn't having these problems at all and she looks totally fine....

it looks like something is just eating my babies up...I checked for gnats I did notice 1 the other day but I believe I got rid of it.

I bought some fish emulsion....should I apply it or just wait and see how things turn out?

I stuck my finger down about an inch and a 1/2 and the dirt felt cold..not sure when I should water them again....I watered my plants last on 7/10 when I transplanted with superthrive and watered each plant with 250ml each of water

This is my first grow..I need all the help I can get

Thanks in Advance


Well-Known Member
I've heard the time release soil ain't very good for your plants.Mainly because u don't know how much or when things are released.I'm using plain soil with MG all purpose and epsom salt.Seems to be working good on my plants.I also grow outside where-as u grow indoors but it kinda looks like either your leaves are getting burned or it could be a defiency or some sort.The best way to figure out when to water is to wait for the soil to dry up some.I don't know how deep your pots are but usually an inch or two of dry soil means u need to water them.I don't really know about the ph or fish emulsion,maybe somebody else does.Best advice I got....anybody else??


Active Member
Thanks NickleDyme.....yeah but 1 plant is fine and the other is taking a turn for the worst...but I see new growth everyday

not sure what to do now


Well-Known Member
I know the problem.....it's in dirt should be in hydroton......j/k :D someone will help you.


Well-Known Member
Well I'd say just try getting the kind without any time release stuff in it.As far as brands I'm not sure.I just picked up some cheap stuff at Wal-Mart.I'm not really an expert.I'm just saying what's working for me and what other members have recommended.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't use that....I bought like one bag of time release and haven't bought any since.Sometimes you're better off going plain.My plants have grown faster in plain soil than in anything with time release in it.


Active Member
hope this helps, i first started with two plant both also grew different also . so instead of feeding them the same and watering the same i tryed to meed there need from there appearance. the problem is something to do with the nuts had some think similar it turned out to be nitrogen burns. change the soil this is a must, try john innes no 1 or no2 mixed with perlite 60/40 into bigger pots. if your happy with the other plant leave it if you want. cheek the water ph level as well. here is a link that might help hope it works i always have trouble with them.


Nutrient Solution Burn:
There's a good chance that this leaf was subjected to nutrient solution burn. These symptoms are seen when the EC concentration of hydroponic solutions is too high. These symptoms also appear when strong nutrient solution is splashed onto the leaves under hot HID lamps, causing the leaves to burn under the solution.

Figure 2
Many hydroponic gardeners see this problem. It's the beginning of nutrient burn. It indicates that the plants have all the nutrients they can possibly use, and there's a slight excess. Back off the concentration of the nutrient solution just a touch, and the problem should disappear. Note that if the plants never get any worse than this leaf (figure 3), then the plants are probably just fine. Figure 4 is definitely an over-fert problem. The high level of nutrients accumulates in the leaves and causes them to dry out and burn up as shown here. You must flush with clear, clean water immediately to allow the roots to recover, and prevent further damage. Now find the cause of the high nutrient levels.

i know that link wont work but try finding it, it is on this site some where and the above is a section from it.


Active Member
It's your soil. The nuets are way off. Should be close to 20-20-20 till flower. Go buy some of the MG organic. 5 bucks a bag. Transplant those plants. You shouldn't have to do anything but water for a month. Then go buy some neuts close to 20-20-20.


Well-Known Member
iv never liked MG just try and get yor localy mad organic soil i yous jonn iners no1 poting soil


Active Member
is droopage after a transplant normal? will she perk back up in a few days?

the plant was fine 6 hrs ago now I have major droopage towards the ground.