1st Grow. Need A few tips.


Well-Known Member
My plants look as the pics show.

My setup is shown In pics.

**The taller plant , doesn't look like happy leaves .

The leaves seem to be dry?

Up close pic of leaves .

Am I doing this right nonetheless?



Well-Known Member
Is all of your lights cfl? If I were you I'd move them a lot closer. Cfl link lights should be kept about 2 inches or so from plant. Biggest newbie mistake is over watering. Try not to over water. But all in all your girls look OK. You'll probably need more lighting down the line.


Well-Known Member
My plants look as the pics show.

My setup is shown In pics.

**The taller plant , doesn't look like happy leaves .

The leaves seem to be dry?

Up close pic of leaves .

Am I doing this right nonetheless?
Pics don't realy tell much about your set up. u have 3cfl? what is the watt and kelvin. amd are u feeding. wats ur water schedual


Well-Known Member
i don't want come across as a wise ass but your set up not going to work
your going to have palm trees


Well-Known Member
i don't want come across as a wise ass but your set up not going to work
your going to have palm trees
Ok thanks terry constructive criticism would be awesome along with your comment. On how I could improve at a low cost. But effective.


Well-Known Member
On how I could improve at a low cost. But effective ?

Sorry i can't answer not cheap to grow your own i found out


Well-Known Member
Is all of your lights cfl? If I were you I'd move them a lot closer. Cfl link lights should be kept about 2 inches or so from plant. Biggest newbie mistake is over watering. Try not to over water. But all in all your girls look OK. You'll probably need more lighting down the line.
Okay 2 inches from the tops of the plant , gonna correct that now && yes they are all cfl .



Active Member
My plants look as the pics show.

My setup is shown In pics.

**The taller plant , doesn't look like happy leaves .

The leaves seem to be dry?

Up close pic of leaves .

Am I doing this right nonetheless?
OK, constructive criticism.

1, Lights have to be closer.
2. Stop pulling off leaves.
3. Water less.
4. Soil needs to be near the top of planter.
5. No more fertilizer. Wait until roots firmly established and then fertilizer at 1/4 strength.
6. Get a book! Maybe get two. There is an excellent CFL grow book out there. Get it from the library, get it from Amazon. But get a well reviewed book.

So, do you really love Lucy? Do you live in Jamestown, N.Y.? Home of the Lucy museum.


Well-Known Member
OK, constructive criticism.

1, Lights have to be closer.
2. Stop pulling off leaves.
3. Water less.
4. Soil needs to be near the top of planter.
5. No more fertilizer. Wait until roots firmly established and then fertilizer at 1/4 strength.
6. Get a book! Maybe get two. There is an excellent CFL grow book out there. Get it from the library, get it from Amazon. But get a well reviewed book.

So, do you really love Lucy? Do you live in Jamestown, N.Y.? Home of the Lucy museum.
I'm in PA , & I love Mary not Lucy . Thanks man . I defiantly appreciate the criticism . I'll do that & take an updated pic . ! Getting closer to having a ~ok


Well-Known Member
You are doing alright for your first grow. That said, I would suggest using the side of your cfls to get light on your plants, the tops of cfls do not put out as much. Fill up your soil as close to your leaves as possible. More root, more fruit.