1st journal, 10 strains (seeds, clones, mothers)

trichlone fiend

New Member
Hey whats up trichlone fiend, I've been watching this thread closely and what you are doing looks amazing. I bought some seeds and I wanted to ask you about your germination method. The question is do you use the the same method for all your seeds or strains?
...yeap, same method everytime. A little more details?...the roots seek heat (not too much), the young ones like it warm in the root zone...and don't use tap water to sprout them, tap has a low ppm, and they're not ready for that yet...the seed has enough energy stored to sprout some roots...be sure to cover the seed ( I simply rip a piece of the rapid rooters edge and plug the seed hole) Once you see growth above surface, put some flos a couple inches above'em...start giving pH balanced tap until you see roots on your rapid rooters (or rockwool cubes)...then transplant into your soil, or give 1/4 strength solution for hydro.

I was asking because these were expensive and I want them to sprout. I just wanted to add that you are doing a great job, I love this Thread. thanks for the pics.
...thanx bro. Keep tabs, I plan on keep'n it up. ...my little way of paying it forward.


trichlone fiend, you are the greatest. Great info and great details. Now I'm still new at this so walk me through the Germination stage once more. I got the seed and I'm going to soak a rapid rooter with RO H20 and then place the seed in the center of the rapid rooter. I'm going to follow that by covering the seed with a small piece of rapid rooter and then placing it under a humidity dome that will be sitting my heating pad. My question is, what lights should be used (If any at all) and what is a good temperature up to this point? Which would be getting them to sprout.

trichlone fiend

New Member
trichlone fiend, you are the greatest. Great info and great details. Now I'm still new at this so walk me through the Germination stage once more. I got the seed and I'm going to soak a rapid rooter with RO H20 and then place the seed in the center of the rapid rooter. I'm going to follow that by covering the seed with a small piece of rapid rooter and then placing it under a humidity dome that will be sitting my heating pad. My question is, what lights should be used (If any at all) and what is a good temperature up to this point? Which would be getting them to sprout.

...myself, I let the rapid rooter warm up before I put my seeds in them. I don't give them any light until I see a sprout come out of the top of the rapid rooter. Once you see growth above the surface of the rapid rooter, start to expose them to light. I use 40 watt, 4 foot fluorescents. I put them like right ontop of the humidity dome without touching the plastic dome itself....DO NOT MIST THE PLANTS, mist the interior of the humidity dome to keep high humidity.

...my seedling heating pad keeps things around75-85 in there. I usually put a clean towel inbetween the heating pad and the bottom of my tray to give an even warmth to the bottom of the tray. ( pics attached)
...one more good idea, is to put an extra rapid rooter (without a seed in it) and water it like you do your others. You can use this empty rapid rooter to squeeze, to check if they need water. Wait until you cannot squeeze one drop out of the rapid rooter before you rewater them. Good luck, this works great for me.



trichlone fiend, you've save the day thanks again. I've been trying to get this germintation part down for a while and you made it easy. Thanks a lot.

trichlone fiend

New Member
i love grow bags !

...same here. When I'm flowering many plants in soil, the bags help out in a couple ways. 1) I can shape them as I need them to be (good alternative to square pots) ....and 2) they are cheap, so I just toss the whole bag/soil together...buy new ones.:bigjoint:

...I'm thinking about using bags in my next ebb and flow grow, with hydroton....just to see how things go.


...same here. When I'm flowering many plants in soil, the bags help out in a couple ways. 1) I can shape them as I need them to be (good alternative to square pots) ....and 2) they are cheap, so I just toss the whole bag/soil together...buy new ones.:bigjoint:

...I'm thinking about using bags in my next ebb and flow grow, with hydroton....just to see how things go.
ive seen peeps using em in hydro looks to work pretty good i think it was a top feed system that i seen em in with a drain table under it my memories somethimes blend together thou so dont quote me personally hate hydro but diff strokes n such
im medical so i need organic soil even if wasn't medical i would still go organic soil the buds come out soo tasty sweet and sticky


how many plants are you doing? you might wanna think about getting a watering system like mine its a sub pump watering wand and 6 foot hose works great no more bending over hauling water back and fourth i have 5 gal bucket that i leave an air stone pumpin air into while letting chlorine evap drop the pump wand into it only takes me like 2 min water 20+ solo cups 7 grow bags and two earth boxs

trichlone fiend

New Member
how many plants are you doing? you might wanna think about getting a watering system like mine its a sub pump watering wand and 6 foot hose works great no more bending over hauling water back and fourth i have 5 gal bucket that i leave an air stone pumpin air into while letting chlorine evap drop the pump wand into it only takes me like 2 min water 20+ solo cups 7 grow bags and two earth boxs

...LOL, thankx...but, I've been through one of those set ups you have there....I found it to be a pure pain in the ass, honestly....leaking everywhere, that shit sucked! LOL, hope your set up works out for ya though. (leakless??) I use a 3 gallon manual pump that is 100% leakless under pressue (only when I water and water only). I use organic fertilizers so....that would clog the pump.

...I have a 2 light grow under soil right now, then I'm done with soil.
...I'm going ebb and flow bro. These seedlings are future mothers....I will be keeping my mommas in soil...

...why don't you just set your pump up to a drip system? ...then you won't be watering yourself??? ...keep the pump off until they need water ...if I wanted to continue with soil, that's what I'd do. (think bout' it!)


...LOL, thankx...but, I've been through one of those set ups you have there....I found it to be a pure pain in the ass, honestly....leaking everywhere, that shit sucked! LOL, hope your set up works out for ya though. (leakless??) I use a 3 gallon manual pump that is 100% leakless under pressue (only when I water and water only). I use organic fertilizers so....that would clog the pump.

...I have a 2 light grow under soil right now, then I'm done with soil.
...I'm going ebb and flow bro. These seedlings are future mothers....I will be keeping my mommas in soil...

...why don't you just set your pump up to a drip system? ...then you won't be watering yourself??? ...keep the pump off until they need water ...if I wanted to continue with soil, that's what I'd do. (think bout' it!)
my system works perfect leak proof just drop the pump in and go takes 20 seconds to setup, bring in water drop pump and pull the trigger. that simple and since it takes me like maybe a min or two to water plants i dont wanna go throu hassle of seting drip system! now that i think about it number of plants change veg room i veg in cups mothers are in grow bags and flower room is earth box setup so that just wouldn't work with a drip system