1st legit grow Lemon Kush (Noob) lol


Active Member
How's it going 1st post on Roll It Up new here how's it going :hump: lol posting some pics of my seedlings day 7-8 I forget lol how's it going u tell me :Pimage.jpgimage.jpg


Well-Known Member
its a baby :D im a 1st time cfl grower im waiting on my seeds still :( what watt are u using and they look healthy already from what i see nice and green for 7-8 days bro


Active Member
F-Yea homie! Welcome. Whats your set up?
thanks man I've been reading around trying to make this turn out and yield some nice dank buds lol :) I've got 4 CFLS right now about 2-3 inches away from both seedlings. I'll def keep updating this with new pics every cpl days or so :)


Active Member
its a baby :D im a 1st time cfl grower im waiting on my seeds still :( what watt are u using and they look healthy already from what i see nice and green for 7-8 days bro

Thanks don't worry your little ones will sprout out. When they do send me a link to check em out :)


Active Member
There are some hella good treads on here about growing with CFL. I have seen some that made my 600 watt weed look like dirt. LOL. My second grow had some issues. Do your homework and be vigilant, you will be smokin some good shit soon.

Don't listen to the asshole on R.I.U. if you run into some. CFL haters that is. Stick to your guns (but do listen to and consider sane comments) and you will get some good smoke.

Kick ass dude!


Active Member
There are some hella good treads on here about growing with CFL. I have seen some that made my 600 watt weed look like dirt. LOL. My second grow had some issues. Do your homework and be vigilant, you will be smokin some good shit soon.

Don't listen to the asshole on R.I.U. if you run into some. CFL haters that is. Stick to your guns (but do listen to and consider sane comments) and you will get some good smoke.

Kick ass dude!
thanks again man :) i will def keep reading and Learning because u can never have enough useful information about growing :D if I ever have some real questions ill hit u up if that's not a problem :mrgreen:


Active Member
i ordered em lol im waiting on my shipment what Watt for CFL are u using???
Lol wher did u order from? I got from Herbies excellent service got my seeds in less then a week :D

the wattage is about 25 watts each so 100 watts altogether with 6000k


Well-Known Member
i ordered from nirvana i looked at reviews about them and i saw all good things... ahhh ok ok i got like 5 cfls for now just in case and i got 3 23 watts but im going to go buy 2 40 watts and some clamps plus i ordered white widow and crystal


Active Member
Yea ill def prolly buy like 2-3 more lights as my plants grow bigger just in case. Your setup so far sounds good. I've heard about nirvana and Herbies got better reviews from Herbies but heard nirvana is great as well. Hoping ur grow turns out beautiful keep me posted when u start growing :)


Well-Known Member
oh i will i got 2 seeds from my buddy who ordered from nirvana one i sin cup of water waiting for tap root to show the other one popped a lil bit of tap root yesterday so i put it in paper towel/ziplock bag havent checked it yet i gotta move my cabinet upstairs before i plant anything.


Active Member
Hey on some real this is strictly from my own experience but if your gonna germinate this is what I do( it's worked every time so far)

Fill up a cup of water.

Put seed in water. (Put somewhere safe where you'll be able to keep on eye I'm it) (room temp ok)

It should float.

Wait 24 hours.

If seed after 24 hrs is not on bottom of cup poke seed with ur finger downward and it should float to the bottom.

Wait till you see a little white root coming out.

After you see that root get your pot ready. (It's time to plant!)(make sure there are drainage holes in your pot)

fill up ur pot with soil and water the pot completely and let the water run out the bottom. (Takes about 5-10 mins)

poke a hole I used a nail in the soil about a inch deep and put the seed in there (be careful :D) put soil over your seed.

Now put a plastic bag or like a ziplock bag over your pot bc u wanna keep the moisture inside the pot. (You don't really wanna water your seed when you just planted it, the water in the soil will be good enough until you see your sprout).

Time to wait :D

If your germinate you'll see a sprout in 2-3 days.

If you just plot a seed in the soil ungerminated it could take like 3-10 days.

Hope that helps your starting process. I'm learning as well hoping for great buds :D


Well-Known Member
oh yea i had a nice tap root in the paper towel today i let it soak in the cup for 2 days put it in paper towel used a nail well pencap dug alil hole put it in there moistened the top with a few squirts of water ( ialready wet down the pot 2 days ago) and i put my own lil dome over her! so hopefully in 2-5 days ill have a baby and some pictures


Well-Known Member
Looking good, welcome to RIU. On budding, if its in budget, you can get 100 watt cfls, 300 watt equivalent bulbs, they are 15 dollars a piece at home depot, fit into regular light sockets. I got a good crop with those. I had also heard great things about t5s, haven't used them yet though. T5s would be more beneficial for more plants, covers more area. Anyways, good luck and welcome. :bigjoint:


Active Member
10 days in :) idk why every time I take a pic it flips it upside down like super fucking annoying :wall:
Other then that how we looking :)