1st order, intercepted!!! Read


Well-Known Member
How the hell are you out of money if you ordered guaranteed? do you not understand the definition of the word? It is no different to paying for next day delivery. If it does not arrive the following day, you have every legal right to obtain a refund.

And that shitty stealth method, well it works just GREAT for many many peoples. Cheers for publicly describing it though, that certainly won't potentially alert customs of what to look for (yes, the authorities regularly have sites like these trawled for info, it's a fool who thinks otherwise)
If you would have ordered from sensibleseeds.com and seen for yourself what they consider stealth, you may be in agreement with me. But wait, you haven't, so keep your attitude to yourself. We are supposed to be a community here to help each other. If anything my revelations should be appreciated so you know what bank to stay away from. I'm telling you, it's so easy to spot out there packages. The first package sent was loaded with dinafemseeds stickers, a pen and a few other "promo" items from others breeders. Give me a fucking break! Shoulda sent me an envelope in neon pink! And the guarantee on their site clearly states they will send only up to a second package. No refund. So I see your view but their policy is black and white.


Well-Known Member
I order through demonseeds I buy a preloaded visa gift card make a email addy I send them to a friends house under a made up name there stealth shippin rocks me and over 5 fellow growers have had 100% success getting em throuh tho I live in australia (toughest customs in the world) if in usa cant u just go for a drive and buy em in some states? I thought its legal in a few states ?
Gift cards in the US don't work outside the border unless you show ID, as in Social Security number and state issued picture ID. Part of the Patriot Act, I believe.


Well-Known Member
Gift cards in the US don't work outside the border unless you show ID, as in Social Security number and state issued picture ID. Part of the Patriot Act, I believe.
Gift cards don't, but PrePaid Visas in your name work. That is what I use to buy seeds, in case anyone overseas tries to mess with the card, I can just throw it away and never load money on it again. My card company charges 3.5% of the dollar amount for international purchases.


Well-Known Member
Yes. I used to send money orders to The Attitude, but they won't take them anymore. I'm getting low on seeds. Cloning degrades the genetics over a few generations.


Well-Known Member
Gift cards don't, but PrePaid Visas in your name work. That is what I use to buy seeds, in case anyone overseas tries to mess with the card, I can just throw it away and never load money on it again. My card company charges 3.5% of the dollar amount for international purchases.
Yes, but you had to give them your ID and SS number, didn't you? Record of sale, traceable to you, legal proof of international drug smuggling.....Federal offense, long incarceration


bud bootlegger
Yes. I used to send money orders to The Attitude, but they won't take them anymore. I'm getting low on seeds. Cloning degrades the genetics over a few generations.
think about it red, if cloning degraded genetics over a few generations, then clone only strains wouldn't be so sought after... some clone onlys, say exo cheese in the uk, have been going since 1986 i think it is...


Well-Known Member
I was not aware of that. I'm just going by what I've heard here. Which, as I'm sure you well know, is sometimes suspect
I think there are a few people here who take clones from clones and have done so many times over with no ill effects.


Well-Known Member
I guess I'll just keep cloning until I start seeing problems. Should be able to do a few generations even if it does causes degradation. Then I'll worry about seeds. Hell, it might be legal by then anyway.


Well-Known Member
some strains have been cloned 100's of times. if your worried about that myth then just keep a mother plant for a year or so.


Well-Known Member
Clones from clones from clones are fine, as long as you take a robust cutting to start a mother with. I think the degradation people talk about comes from poor practice, like taking spindly cuts from a woody over grown rootbound mother plant that isnt kept in good health and thinned out from time to time.

Ive kept strains for years before going through at least a dozen generations with no decrease in vigor or potency.