1st Outdoor: Ready for take off. Guerrilla or Backyard?

Should i grow in my backyard, or should i grow guerrilla method?

  • Grow guerrilla method

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  • 1 & 2

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Hello everyone,

I have crossed a dilemma in mind. I believe i should grow in my backyard although i have neighbors. I like the feeling of being able to go outside and seeing my plants instantly, controlling the situation that is present, and also knowing that i have a limited security.

I just literally spent 3 hours cleaning up and clearing about 10' x 35' of brush. This brush would be included as dead blackberry branches, half decomposed leaves and wild grasses. It was difficult clearing the main area due to the berry bush branches falling in my way, not wanting to damage them it took more time.

After clearing this area it sparked a thought. I should continue clearing and cleaning this section of my backyard. Once done i want to build raised beds and grow cannabis inside these beds mixed with tomato plants and basil, etc. This can help provide cover just in case a neighbor or fellow from the street happens to look over.

The details of my yard and destination:

Rural town with farming, but the area i live in is considered a community. With a population of 30-40,000 people it's a mellow place to live. There are some area's i could grow not on my property about 2 miles away.

My backyard area i would be planting in is cornered by a wooden fence about 7'1/2'', and a cinder-block fence is about the same. The wooden fence blocks the neighbors and the cinder blocks the street intersection behind my house. There is a side walk on the other side. Not too many people look over my fence, at-least i think...

I am willing to do whatever it takes to grow Cannabis. I enjoy the cultivation involved and the opportunity to grow some great bud. However, i do not smoke.

2 days ago i started germinating my random mix of seeds i got from a friend for free. They were in his stash and he claimed they were pretty good strains. A few have popped open with the little white roots. I am going to leave them there one more day and plant.

If you were me, what would you do? and why?

( I know i am starting kinda late planting, but its never too late to start right?!)