1st post. 1st pic. First try.


Well-Known Member
Sup everybody?
Ive been lurking around here for a month or 2...finally decided to post a pic or 2. This is my first effort into growing. After sexing my plants, i was left with 2 females(each is different I believe, random Bagseeds), my girls are only about 18-20 inches tall as of now, but they were put into flower at approw 6.5 inches tall 30 days ago today. (They were flowered so short, as I was using CFLs in the begining, not thinking I'd be getting an HID.).The first 14 days of flower were under 10 26w(100w equiv.) soft white CFLs.The last 16 days have been under a 400w HPS.These girls have toughed out alot of first timer mistakes and I am sure their size and overall yeild has been reduced somewhat.But nonetheless I'm riding it out to see what i get, and I have been purchasing and getting everything together to make a better more worth while effort when this round is done. Well, I know how you guys are about pics so heres the couple I have. Give me your opinions. Advice is always welcome.Sorry I dont have anymore, better pics...I'll try to get some up soon.



Active Member
yo, just found your thread, not bad for your first grow dude! Great idea gettin the hps though. They say mh then hps, but im hps all the way!