1st time grower..pics


Well-Known Member
ok..so here are some pics of my first grow..
its outside till im sure i wont mess up a grow inside, and plus i still need to get some equipment..they are bagseeds..

here it is at 19 days old.

then at 29 days old

then here at 36 days old..with two new planted seeds

here before transplant..

here after the transplant

here at 7 weeks old

here at 47 days old

and finally today at 51 days old and the small two at 23 days old

i still dont know the sex yet..really hoping its a girls.after a lon long wait..
either way i will moke the male leafs if worse comes to worse..

question..do guys ysually grow fater than girls??


Well-Known Member
ok so since my plant isnt showing sex yet..
tomorrow i will begin to flower it from 8 pm. to 8 am
how long after that should it show sex..since its about 50 days old??
also... how much more will the plant grow??right now its 19 inchs tall..any help on how not to screw up the flowering??

any suggestions gladly appreciated


Well-Known Member
it will hit at least 30 inches by the time its done...and you should see pistils or balls within a couple weeks of switching the lights...everything is lookin real good man:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Your plants look nice and healthy. Get the big one inside and put it on a strict 12/12 light shedule. You did not mention lighting but hopefully you have it setup and ready. For a HID grow the flower stage uses HPS. Anything non HID make you have bulbs with a color temp of 2700k.

Good luck to ya.....


Well-Known Member
thanx honkeytown and E=mc420..
i do hope it reacges those 30 inches..about the light..the plants are outside the whole day...
ok..i've read that they usually flower in august and september..so my question is should i just let nature act by itself or should i bring it inside for 12 hours or dark...
*after i switch it to 12/12 when should i add the flowering nut


Well-Known Member
Timeout bro..you are getting confusing. Do you plan to put those under artificial light (ie light bulbs) and keep them inside permanent or do you plan to use the sun as your light source?


Well-Known Member
thanx honkeytown and E=mc420..
i do hope it reacges those 30 inches..about the light..the plants are outside the whole day...
ok..i've read that they usually flower in august and september..so my question is should i just let nature act by itself or should i bring it inside for 12 hours or dark...
*after i switch it to 12/12 when should i add the flowering nut
you can nute as soon as you switch the light...or you see a bunch of pistils start poppin out of it...and if you can keep them outside then leave them outside...nothing grows bud like the sun.


Well-Known Member
sorry 420..
what i should have posted was..
i plan to bring them inside my garage an keep them in there for the 12 hours of dark..
but my question was should i just let the night take its effect..and just keep them out till it flowers on its own
honkeytown saids out..
what do you think???


Well-Known Member
If you can bring them in for total dark and as close to a 12/12 schedule I think they will atleast show their sex faster. just keep em on a tight routine.


Well-Known Member
If you can bring them in for total dark and as close to a 12/12 schedule I think they will atleast show their sex faster. just keep em on a tight routine.
yeah thats what im going to do..keep them on a tight routine..
hopefully sex will show within the next week


Well-Known Member
ok.guys..so today i went to check on the plant and it finally showed sex..and its a girl...
two little white hairs..will show pics prob tomorrow..when i get a better camera..
also today i was looking around and found some lights..just need some help on deciding if i should use them since they are pretty weak..chem them out

2 are 60 w and the Light Output is 840 lumens..2 others are also 60 w and give out 540 lumens...and 2 others are 75 w and give out about 120 volts..
any suggestions..maybe if i use all of them..it might be enough..cant buy good hps for now..bummer...
sooo any help is appreciated


Well-Known Member
those lights dont look any good go and least get some flourescent lights that say soft or warm light on the package as that will be the right spectrum of light you need.


Well-Known Member
those lights dont look any good go and least get some flourescent lights that say soft or warm light on the package as that will be the right spectrum of light you need.

yeah dude..thats what i was thinking..
just needed some reasurance....


Well-Known Member
I know all about the budget thing bro...the one thing I can say though is....if you are gonna go spend any money on cfl's then wait and watch craigslist or ebay for deals. I got my 600 watt hps with the hood...flex tubing and 150cfm fan all for 135 bucks....cheap as shit and the dude gave me an extra hortilux bulb. nice...so check craigslist if you can....just an option...but I totally hear you...I remember looking at every light in my house and other peoples houses before I got my 150 and 600 and wondering to myself...hmm...would that work...:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I know all about the budget thing bro...the one thing I can say though is....if you are gonna go spend any money on cfl's then wait and watch craigslist or ebay for deals. I got my 600 watt hps with the hood...flex tubing and 150cfm fan all for 135 bucks....cheap as shit and the dude gave me an extra hortilux bulb. nice...so check craigslist if you can....just an option...but I totally hear you...I remember looking at every light in my house and other peoples houses before I got my 150 and 600 and wondering to myself...hmm...would that work...:mrgreen:

yeah thanx honkeytown..that was a good deal..nice going...so i might find some good deals at craigs??nice....didnt know that..i will check it out..:joint:
thans bro..yeah im on a tight budget right now..but still cant wait to have some light and keep the plant indoors...more efficient..
thanx. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
when ur flowering it dont let any light leak in during the dark period
yeah thanx evanpower..
i was thinking of putting it either inside my garage from 8 pm to 8 am..then tacking it outside..since these are the hours that no one opens the garage and it dark enough not to see anything...
what do you think?


Active Member
that should work, you just have to make sure the schedule of taking it in and out is done exact, if any light is on the plant at all during the night cycle usually during the first weeks of flowering, it may turn hermie