1st Time Growing Anything Very Excited!


Active Member
Hello everyone and thanks kindly in advance for advice and any input here is always welcomed!

400w switchable ballast MH/HPS
DWC 5 gallon buckets with airstones
Hydroton with rockwool cubes
Flora 3 series GH

I germinAted some bag seed with the paper towel method, when sprouted I placed in rockwool with sterile tweezers root down. (one plant came out with burnt coleydons since I used about 100 ppm nutes on them both while in dome)
Then placed in humid dome under a 42w cfl. I actually kept them in too long I think since I had at least 2 fan leaves well developed.
Placed plants in system about 12-14 days ago and started with about 200-300ppm nutes using guide on bottle (which I have found difficult since I have no clue how much water is in the bucket...leArning curve wru!)

After about ten days my plants just loomed unhealthy and in this time I increased nutes to 400-500ppms (one bucket is about 40ppm short one was 426 other 466)
Last 2 days I have increased nutes to 820 and 876ppm I am adding about 200 ppms a day in the "morning" trying to get to recommended lvls...

Seems my problems have stemmed from not knowing water amount in bucket...but I have been doing evrything I have been reading. My Ph has been awesome between 5.6-5.8 steady. I do have ph tester and a TDS
Meter. I added a c02 homemade 2L sodA bottle with yeast and sugar...

Not having ever grown anything before I am not sure if I have healthy plants or if my growth rate is good...another issue I found that lacked info was when to increase nutes from seedling to veg strength...How many leaves should it have or days of humid dome before dropping in system? A lot of the timing of it all seems to lack info in the many hours of research I put in... AnywAys will post pics please feel free to leave advice etc etc...thanks kindly In advance for any wisdom shared!


Active Member
1st! Nice stuff m8, looks like you've done your research and know whats going down. I'm also new to growing so there isn't gonna be much wisdom from me, but I'll try my best. What strains you growing? I take it your using a hydro system? and good luck!



Active Member
These are my 2 plants at roughly 12 days in the system. I have my nutes up to 840-870 tomorrow I am gonna strive for the 1010ish area for the Flora 3 series.
Some of my stems are purple with green stripes running up them. not sure what internodes and nodes are yet. but I think I have some already lol.
are my plants healthy?
The strains I have no clue about these are bag seed although I have on the way some fem'd WW and White Rhino pack coming...these 2 plants are just to see if I can actually grow it which it looks like things are going well ( I think) I also have a 30x mag coming.
anyone have suggestions on timing of everything...do I wait for fan leaves to put in system? or just coleydons? (sp) and when do I start to increase nutes to veg strength? I think the flowering and sexing I have down although I have not come anywhere close to that stage.
I was also interested in trying LST will post those pics too when I get there (real close omg patience is not my strong suit!) think I have that worked out also

I dont give my plants nutes till the 2nd week of veg and then its really light, 100-250 ppm. I dont foliar feed except for spraying with water every other day,


Active Member
I am a new grower myself growing in soil so I am unable to give you any advice. Your plants look like they are lacking or getting too much of something, not sure what. Keep at it and be patient. I'll be lurking around watching.


Well-Known Member
Packages in mail?

And I wouldn't say they look horrible. But there's certainly something slightly off. My personal advice is lighten up with the nutes, and wait a little longer before taking action with each problem. Be PROACTIVE, not REACTIVE. Do some research on DWC growing, and find out what nute solutions work best.
And PLEASE somebody correct me if i'm wrong, but the Flora 3 series is the sludgy one that clogs up hydro tube right?
Perhaps if your interested in using the Flora Series, look into FloraDuo, I'm personally using it in soil and it's VERY light be comparison. They cleaned it up a lot so people can use it with Hydro and DWC.

Out of curiosity, as this is your "First time Growing anything" why would you not have started with soil?


Active Member
I went with hydro for the speed... And from all my research I can do 4-5 plants perpetually...I did try soil a couple months ago and it seemed all I got were mushroom shoots lol...these plant are bag seed and I am just experimenting till I get the mojo down... So I will try lst with these and post some pics...I was also thinking of using the "Lucas Formula"...hopefully I havent killed these with jacking up nutes 400ppm in 2 days lol


Active Member
14days.jpgI think they just needed some food! Since last I upped the nutes...they have turned a lot more green and just seem much happier!



Active Member
I do have some burn spots on some leaves which I am hoping is from my misting with nutes...which I have stopped and gonna try it the Jesus way! Thanks everyone who has stopped by and offered advice...I take it all and read up on everything I can find about the subject...


Weed Modifier
are you are using gh flora series 3 part? grow/micro/bloom
and you said you upped 400 ppm in two days was that from 800? or is that your total 400...cuz imo thats too strong at 800-1000 for a 15day old plant should be more like 500 ppm then up little by little as she gets bigger over then next few weeks.

do you check ph...this can have an effect on intake of nutes if not within range...soil 6.5 / hydro 5.8 is ideal

you say you want to use lucas formula? .... probably would be best to finish a grow first before deciding to go with lucas formula...just to get an idea of how the plant ticks ;) but really it is up to you...hope i helped a bit :bigjoint:

im using Lucas formula for my girls in flower


Active Member
you did Lime thanks, My PH has been pretty steady at 5.8 its seems to fluctate a point +/- every now and then but its been pretty consistent...yes I have been using flora 3 series and according to them like 2nd week is 1010 ugh or is that the 3 week...I have really learned much by trial and error and these boards...so at 15 days its about 500ppm? if thats the case these 2 are smoked lol my ppms are in the 900's currently with the ppms already in my water...Ph is 5.8 in one bucket the other is 5.9


Weed Modifier
yah it does say to go to 1010ppm...but your is still in seedling stage ...til 3-4 weeks old then only go 1/2 strength of there schedule ...and up as she can take it...you can flush with just ph'd water then go with a 400ppm in res! live and learn , thats what its all about !

especially your first go ....try to K.I.S.S....(keep it simple stupid) ;) and im not calling you stupid, this is a saying! keeping everything simple... so when shit goes wrong(hopefully not)... at least you will be able to see where you may have faulted... if you add to many thing , more likely it will be harder to determine what might have gone wrong.


Active Member
day 15 and I think they are looking better everyday...any opinions?
Either you corrected any problems you were having or there weren't any, and your plants needed some adjustment time. They are looking much better, keep at it and have patience.


Active Member
I have my nutes around 900 with the differential in my water and they seem to be thriving like crazy...halfway thru their day today and they are just getting prettier...will update some pics tonight when their morning comes...thanks to everyone who stops by and those who offer advice...I really cant thank you all enough. I am so addicted to this garden stuff I almost dont want to smoke! lol (I use almost loosely)


Active Member
ok so now I got my Ladies in today so now we get serious lol greenhouse seed co. black and white mix 3 white rhino 2 white widow fem'd seeds and 10 freebies of sam the skunkman haze/skunk #1 <~~~ a good smoke? don't know much about that strain...


Active Member
I have not posted here for a few...been experimenting with some things will post pics soon and hopefully get some more advice lol