1st time indoors growing


ok hi there, i m goin to grow soon 1 seed of super lemon haze and 1 of bubblegummer. and i have some questions as im really new to this!
first of all would i have any problem growin them in 2 different pots in the same closet?
its a 6ft2 closet next to a window, so will i still need a fan for cooling them? or i cud just open the window for some time! 2nd about the pot i m goin to put the seed on a cup till it pops up and then repot it to a big enough pot till the end, is that ok or i should repot it as it grows? 3rd. what i have to put in the pot except the soil and how many of each (like fertalizers and stuff), also should i use miracle grow soil or regular?
about watering now...do i have to give them jus plain water or put any nutrients in it!
and one last thing i read in some threads some things that if u paint the inside of the closet white or cover it with aluminium foil works better for the light... whats the thing bout that!


hi im new to riu. there easy Qs just read a few threads. im not going to start giving you bad info. good luck
NO ALUMINUM FOIL! it burns the plants, white paint or "mylar" will work.. FANS FANS FANS yes and soil: FOXFARM is a must. Get the "tripack" of nutrients ocean, beastie blooms, cha ching.. plant seed in big pot.. i wouldnt recommend 1st timer transplanting a seed because if you plant it in the cup, you have to wait till its "root-bound" meaning the roots are circling around the bottom of the cup. USE DISTILLED WATER.. take reg tap water and let it sit out in your watering containers for a day or so and it will distill the water.. what are your lights going to be? light/hood/ballast systems cost around $200 american.. will you be cloning your ladies as well? I sure would..

here to help

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
About your pots.
Start them in party cups.
Then when they sprout put them in a 7inch Pot.
You want to go with the size of the plant with your pots,
so when you water them the roots soak up all the water,
and the water doesnt build up in the bigger pot and causes root rot..

As for air circulation..
I DO recommend a fan to circulate air and too keep it room temp.

And for nutes..
DONT give them any nutriants till you put them into flowering stage.
Which is 12 on 12 off.

Hoped I helped you a bit.
Any more questions just ask..
You have much too learn mate..

-Nice Ol' Bud
USE DISTILLED WATER.. take reg tap water and let it sit out in your watering containers for a day or so and it will distill the water
thats not true. first you dont need distilled water at all, its just some extra stuff but i believe non-distilled water is better because it contain minerals like iron to help the plant. Also distillation is not what you said, to distill water, you need to boil it and it is the water that evaporate that is distilled. Taking tap water and letting it sit will help reducing the amount of chlorine only.


Well-Known Member
NEGATOR. DONT STARVE YOUR PLANT the 1st MONTH. You give nutes after its roots have grown and it begins Veg phase to promote good strong branches -_-

And for nutes..
DONT give them any nutriants till you put them into flowering stage.
Which is 12 on 12 off.

Hoped I helped you a bit.
Any more questions just ask..
You have much too learn mate..

-Nice Ol' Bud


Well-Known Member
More harmful iish in tap than helpful mind you.
thats not true. First you dont need distilled water at all, its just some extra stuff but i believe non-distilled water is better because it contain minerals like iron to help the plant. Also distillation is not what you said, to distill water, you need to boil it and it is the water that evaporate that is distilled. Taking tap water and letting it sit will help reducing the amount of chlorine only.


Shouldn't have any problems growing in a closet.
A fan would circulate the air. I use an emergency blanket (camping) or you can use tin foil, dull side up. I also have my walls painted white. So, you are on the right track their.
Sprout your seeds in paper toweling or...... ph tested water and a little peroxide added to the water (oxygen). Sprout the seeds and then put in jiffy pots or rock well seed starters. Sprout down in pot. Leave the seedling in the starter pot. Don't take the seedling out. Place in a bigger container when it is time. I use 5 gallon black pails. Part peat rock, rockwell and dirt.
PH should be between 5.5-5.8. ALWAYS check your PH which is very important in growing. Have a pail of PH water available. Nutrients are added every 10 days. I spray the tops of my plants with a fine mist of ph tested water, also.
The right lighting is very important, too. 400 watt bulb on clones and starters. 1000 watts in the flowering stage.
Good Luck!!!
Miracle grow soil is fine to use.


According to your thread my opinion is that mineral water is good tap water is ok, distilled water is ok. . tahnx for pointing that out.

allen bud

Active Member
1 yes your 2 plants 1 closet no problem
2 yes fan to circulate air , but not sure what kind of lighting you are using to say anything about heat build up
3 No MG soil for a first timmer,it may bring you nothing but problems and stunted growth,get reg soil or something mild soil like FF happy frog(and its organic)
4 tap water, let it air for day or 2 and it will be good..make sure to get ph tester and ph adjuster ..youll need that !
5 paint walls flat white.
3.5(lol) change pots with size of plants ,and root boundness(lol again)as stated
well thats a good start good luck and happy growing
alien bud(yea this is what its suposed to be..lol)

now im off to watch "the mighty booosh!! "(awesome stonner show)