1st Timer GETS LUCKY!! (pics)


Well-Known Member
i noticed you said u took cuttings for clones... im kind of in the dark on cloning seeing as how i have no experience with it
does this mean that you took a small branch from the bottom?? weither or not, i bet your plant would like it alot if you trimmed some of the lowest branches since it will be hard for them to get enough light to make up for the energy used by the plant to try to generate small buds(depending on how long they've been flowering now)
also did u trim your plants at all? on a second look i wasnt sure if u topped them or fim'ed them or if it just grew like that

keep on rockin the bagseed-cfl!!!!

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
yeah, your set up is nice. You know you have room for more, so it's nice to have when need be.

Say Shnkrmn, thanks for that info on +reping. I was wondering how to do that so I could give people a +rep, like Ms. Yellerz here. You get one too!!


Well-Known Member
Day 4 of flowering. One looks a little more pistily (if thats a word) than the other, but both appear to be happy.

Couple questions...First, how often should I be giving them the bloom nutes? I gave them their first dose yesterday. I am using Fox Farm bloom, but It doesn't say how often to use.

Second...I have a feeling I should be trimming some of the foliage cuz I know that there is not sufficient light getting inside to alot of the bud sites, but I am nervous about that. Some of the fan leaves are so huge, but I know that they are needed for photosynthesis, so what should I be getting rid of??? There are crazy branches and freakin leaves galore. I haven't done any trimming or clipping except for the few clones I took off and I trim off any dead shit I see.

:-PHere are a couple of pics of some pretty little flower lookin things...The pics look like I have some rusty color stuff on the leaves, but it must be just from the lights and angles cuz these babies are all green!!!:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:



Well-Known Member
i would use big bloom everytime you water at 4 tablespoons per gallon.

as for pruning, i cant give you solid advice. consider tucking the fan leaves using some LST (low stress training, like string to pull the leaves outta the way to get light through the canopy)

my plants look a lot like yours, real bushy and i havent trimmed at all except for my fimming. consider some extra 2700k cfl's to reach the bottom, or even a couple 150 watt hps lamps. hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Thanks BigJesse once again. I have 4 extra lights hanging midway down the plants for side penetration. I will go ahead with a little LST. Stupid question and I feel dumb for asking, but remember this is my first time...What is fimming? :?



Well-Known Member
i would use big bloom everytime you water at 4 tablespoons per gallon.

If it IS Big Bloom, that is. Fox Farms Tiger Bloom would kill your plants in one day if you watered them with it at that concentration. I'm just making sure, because you said Bloom formula and they have two products, vastly different from each other. So which is it, Yellerz? Trying to avert tragedy!


Well-Known Member
My BAD! It is TIGER BLOOM!!! I just gave them slightly less than directed. I don't think I over did it cuz they were some happy, perky, stinky bitches this morning...lol:-P

OK, now how often am I suppose to water??


Well-Known Member
My BAD! It is TIGER BLOOM!!! I just gave them slightly less than directed. I don't think I over did it cuz they were some happy, perky, stinky bitches this morning...lol:-P

OK, now how often am I suppose to water??
You can also use Big Bloom for flowering in combination with Tiger Bloom.

You should water when the top 3" of the soil feel dry to the touch. I have four gallon buckets so I water about once every 4 to 5 days I am wondering if I should water more myself, so let's see what others have to say...


Here is everything you need on fimming.

Here is some info on pruning and LST


Well-Known Member
For the fiming info, go to the very OLDEST page and look at the original post. Read through the whole thing if you have time, very helpful!


Well-Known Member
with the watering thing just be careful,
i thought i was overwatering at first... it didnt help that i had to use soil that a bit of fungus gnats had gotten into(i had to sterilze the soil) but it was all i had. well i was trying to keep them nice and dry to prevent any gnats from thinking they have a home in my dirt, long story short as my plants got bigger they would sometimes droop down on me i wasnt sure if it was wilting from underwatering or if it was over-ferting when i did water. i started to water them a little more frequently and saw a big difference. so depending on your soil it may be easier to underwater than you think
what i always do is use my pointer finger and gently feel the top couple inches of soil, if it seems dry i'll take the whole pot out and feel the weight of it, if it seems fairly light then you probably need to water
the actual rootball and dirt surrounding it should stay fairly moist, however its best to let the rest of the soil dry out somewhat between waterings marijuana likes more of a drought/flood type watering rather than a constant wet
i may not have been on RIU for very long but i do know some useful stuff by experience so if you ever have aquestion dont be afraid to ask, if i dont have an answer ill help find one
i actually just fim'ed my plants too like 3 days ago or so
fim'ing is awesome, read what i wrote about it in this threadhttps://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/30563-fim.html
and btw yellerz im still on the edge of my seat waiting to see your results best of luck!!


Well-Known Member
1 week flowering!!! The ladies are looking great!! One actually looks a little more vigorous and has quite a few more bud sites, but all seems to be pretty well. I am still noticing that they are still showing some N deficiency. I don't wanna go crazy with nutes but i know that its a little too early for that.

I can't believe how many bud sites so quickly. Today is day 7. I got some pics of my light setup, too. I ended up with 10 cfls at 388watts. 8 of the 10 are 2700k and i left a couple 6500s in there too. Can't hurt, right?!! :weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed:



Well-Known Member
Just stopped by Ms. Yellerz!

Plants are lookin NICE!

Great job! Judgin by ur results so far I'd say that those emergancy blankets were a good investment! Might have to look into some on my next grow.

I got a journal goin too, stop by if u wanna!

+ rep for you and I'm subscribed!


Well-Known Member
Thanks brother! The mylar blankets were a great idea. For about $1.50/ea, it was well worth it. Thanks for the rep 2:hug:

Anyway...I HAVE A PROBLEM and I'm pretty worried about it. I found some brownish/blackish, kinda moist spots on some of the newer growth. At first I thought it was heat stress, but the leaves were mushy-like. I got a pic, hope someone can really help me out on this one...:cry:



Well-Known Member
Go to walmart and gwet fungicide #3

There is a pic on my page of the bottle. I am not sure that will solve your problem, but I have used it on my plants and its MJ friendly.

Sure its not a burn?