1st timer


Active Member
So ive just started my first grow. bought a few feminized seeds online and the first one i planted was the white rhino. ive bought a 250w blue 6400k CFL light which i am using to grow the plant with and i was wondering if it would be enough from start to finish?when its time to flower it i will be changing the bulb to the red one.
anyway heres a few pics of the plant so far after about a week and a half.......roughly.enjoy.



Well-Known Member
Welcome to roll it up mate! I have similiar set up but i use 2x 125watt bulbs and its in a cloest. U should be able to use that all the way. Maybe you'll have trouble getting light to the lower part of the plant when it gets alot bigger but with some good reflection i would have thought you'll be fine. Sounds like you know what your doing even tho this is your first time. Good luck keep us posted maybe make a grow journel


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Welcome and good luck. You can use those lights, but I do recommend something stronger for a better yield (I use M.H. and HPS). As Dopetoke mentioned, maybe harder to get all around lighting. :mrgreen::peace:


Active Member
thanks. Ive read a few articles and threads on the different lighting but i thought seein as im only doing the one i could jus go with the cfl. im a little bit paranoid about my plant as its my first time and i dont want it to go wrong but ive noticed the two fake leaves have gotten a bit yellow over the past two days and i was wondering if this was normal?