2 different strains sharing same Rez...


Im sure somewhere this has been asked...but I cant seem to put the right words together to bring up an answer. Just a quick question...is there any harm in growing 2 different strains in the same rez in DWC? Can the roots from 2 different strains coexist side by side? Any harm if they (the roots) intertwine a little or do i need to create some kind of partition in the middle of the rez? Strains = Pineapple Express and Vanilla Kush, 8 gallon reservoir (14 gallon tub)


Well-Known Member
the only thing i can see that will kill you is if they eat different.
Like he said, if you find two strains that have very similar flowering schedules and feeding needs then you can safely do it. It would be a real challenge to get it to work otherwise.


Well-Known Member
i never run more than one plant per dwc site but i have 14 strains and always have a mixture running in my aero units.