2 foot plant in like a 1L water bottle under a 60watt house light!!!


Well-Known Member
if that was grown under a 60 watt inconddesent light it would have about 4-5 sets of leaves and no branching
not to metion the pot
give me a break


Active Member
this guys foool of shit hes nott telling us the truth lol u cant foool all usss like come on!


Well-Known Member
dude, i was shocked when i first saw it, i was tellin him theres no way it could happen, and i was sittin there lookin at it with my mouth open. 60watt icandescent with sum foil!
not fake, im not lying, so stop sayin i am. i cant get anymore pics of it cos its not mine and he didnt even know i took this 1. its been flowering (i guess, im no expert) for like a week now.


Well-Known Member
haha and how the fuk do i change this shit under my name that says stranger? do u have to be on riu for a while or sumthin?


Well-Known Member
I have seen people grow plants until about that big under regular lightbulbs. No bullshit, of course lanky and extremely stretched. That plant is impressive for that though.


Well-Known Member
I bet it'd piss some people off to find out the secret to growing a pound per plant was incadecsents instead of thousands and thousands of dollars in hid... knock on wood


Well-Known Member
I looked at the picture, there's no way... He's pulling your leg and hiding the other lights he's using. Maybe with three or four CFL's in addition to his incandescent, or maybe it's just getting a lot of light from a window.


Well-Known Member
seriously, its not fucking fake, hes not hiding any fucking lights from me dickhead.
i went up to his lastnight and hes moving it into his backyard now, he reckons he's found a nice spot to plant it.


Well-Known Member
seriously, its not fucking fake, hes not hiding any fucking lights from me dickhead.
i went up to his lastnight and hes moving it into his backyard now, he reckons he's found a nice spot to plant it.
you should really stop calling peeps names


Well-Known Member
heres a pic of it, i had to snap it while my mate wasnt lookin :-o
Are you sure that light wasn't CFL? it looks really white in color for Incand. (I'm not calling you a liar just askin) Some CFLs come in regular light bulb styles, I've seen them in Home Depot.


Well-Known Member
Hey, if he saw it with his own eyes it must be true. I can believe that. a Cfl is a houselight to me, and I just think all of you should stop getting so pissy with him. He's just posting something, cus he thought it was cool. Don't need to be hatin on him, just don't post if your gonna get mad about it, and call him a liar. C'mon now we're stoners, we are relaxed! haha


Well-Known Member
Nah he's a liar. And kind of an internet pussy if he gets his panties all twisted because people call bullshit.

I didn't insult you fartknocker, I said maybe your friend is pulling your leg and you came back all pissy.

We'll track you down and form a local recon party to anal rape you if you rile us up here at RIU