2 ftFlouoro question


Active Member
hey i was wondering if i could just go out to home depot and buy the 2 ft flouoros that have 2 tubes? or is it better to get t5's? can any one help me i dont think i need to spend 200 bucks for a damn 2ft light, thats just ridiculous... any one know the difference. also i was gonna use coolwhite's and prolly warmwhites. any one got any info? thanks guys


Well-Known Member
thats what i did at first but i got the 4 ft and 3 of them but ended out getting a 400 watt mh for 145 shipped to the door


Active Member
thats what i did at first but i got the 4 ft and 3 of them but ended out getting a 400 watt mh for 145 shipped to the door
oo im goin with HPS but im putting these flouros on the side. im going to put 4 on the sides so im getting light on every side of the plants.


Well-Known Member
y not some CFL's instead of flouros? flouros makes the area look more neat and uncluttered but i think CFL's would be more beneficial with your 400 w do-hickey