2 Liter Hempy or DWC for SOG?


Well-Known Member
I'm planning to run a quick SOG with 8 plants. Do you guys think it would be better to do them in 2 liter hempy bottles, or to put all 8 plants in a single DWC with a shared 6 gallons of water?


Well-Known Member
Hempy because your roots will thank you, its way easy for those dwc's to gt a fungal infection or bacteria infection and the roots turn black and your plant stops growing. You roots will stay happier in hempy.


Well-Known Member
Hempy because your roots will thank you, its way easy for those dwc's to gt a fungal infection or bacteria infection and the roots turn black and your plant stops growing. You roots will stay happier in hempy.
Yeah, that's true. I was gonna ask if anyone wanted to play devil's advocate, but honestly I don't see why. DWC is awesome for 5 gallon buckets but I don't think it would be worth it for the size of plants I want. I'm using 9 5 gallon hempy's right now and they're so forgiving.


Well-Known Member
If you want plants that grow faster then go with DWC, and if you're doing SOG with the same strain or even better with clones, then you don't have to worry about them needing different levels of food. Hempys are awesome though


Well-Known Member
If you want plants that grow faster then go with DWC, and if you're doing SOG with the same strain or even better with clones, then you don't have to worry about them needing different levels of food. Hempys are awesome though
I'm running clones and I'm gonna flower as soon as they all have roots. But I think hempy will be easier because preventing algae in DWC is a pain in the butt..... I tried it once and I forgot just how bad it was.


Well-Known Member
just get z7. shit is really cheap and does a really good job. my res temps usually stay around like 73-74 and my roots are pearly white. But I do an RDWC system. I got tired of trying to put i frozen water bottles lol


Active Member
This continues to amaze me. Admittedly I haven't grown in years, but back in the OverGrow days, I was big on using DWC. At that time, we didn't know all this water temp issues stuff. I remember using SM-90 with my General Hydroponics nutes, and wish I could remember if I used anything else. But I never, ever, checked reservoir temps, and never lost a plant to any root issues. Never had algae either, just tons of healthy white roots. I grew huge plants in 5 gal DWC buckets for years without issue. Now it seems that people spend lots of time chilling their reservoirs, and fighting the things I never had a problem with. Was I just lucky?

It's possible that the SM-90 was what did it for me, but I'm pretty sure that when I first started I wasn't using SM-90. I tended to add those kind of supplements later in an effort to increase yield. I normally averaged between 3 and 4 oz a plant, and some strains could go as high as 6oz. Maybe I'd have had better yields if I knew about proper reservoir temps. But still, I never lost a plant to root issues and I live in the deep south, where temps get quite high.