2 - male plants what a bitch.


Well-Known Member
Well i am back with my update i did indeed get rid of the gnat problem and 5 days later i learned that my twin girls were twin boys so now they are also gone. Now this really sucked after a 7 week veg my 2 plants were 30" high and and 28" round both of them were looking so good and now i guess i am out of luck till next year i had bought feminized seeds only to end up with 2 male plants o'well i learned alot and it will help next time. Thanks to everyone on this site for all your help and good luck with your grows.


Well-Known Member
Lol yep for sure next time there will be more but now it's getting late enough in the season that the next time is going to have to be next year.


Well-Known Member
outdoors man i see. hey man now will still get you something still. as long as your not worried about freezing your plants later down the road that is. they will just be small ones. still get some good bud out of them. i keep plants going all year but im deep south US so it dont really freeze here


Well-Known Member
There'w nothing worse than spending all that time and patience to discover they're male. I pesonally never buy fem seeds I can't see how one can genectically make a seed become fem, it's not in nature in my book.....Sorry, I know the feeling. :sad: