2-plant 4.25g hydro setup


Well-Known Member
hahaha whats the smell like even at this early stage?
have u got a carbon filter neware or are you care free in that way.


Active Member
no, 'fraid I haven't heard of him. Link to one of his posts?

Also, teeny update. I transplanted the little one to a new pot with better soil. The soil s/he was in was becoming crystally and like rock candy almost. So I can't wait for the next few days while he/she droops



Well-Known Member
nah he's this guy that legally changed his name to bong rip in order to help the fight for cannabis lol. he's got a myspace n everything.

yeh that will do em good


Well-Known Member
hahahaha anything that helps

i swear i read some where that if u leave egg shells in a bottle of water for ages the pour it onto your plants is sapposed to be really good fert.
and its good for the enviro


Active Member
Lol how so? Like, opposed to MH and HPS?

Well, I guess if you thought about it, since HPS and MH take more electricity, it takes more fuel to burn somewhere down the road.


Active Member
Im going to try an outdoor grow this year. I have a tiny patch of land next to a river I found (also next to a water treatment place) that's all fenced off and wooded. I'm just goin to take 4 clones and POP them in the dirt and see how they go.


Well-Known Member
hahahha i was speaking to a grower
and he said the thing to do is plant them and then dont return for like 3-4 months coz if the fuzz find it theyll have it under surveilance.


Active Member
So despite the fact that I transplanted it, the plant seems to be doing quite well. No yellowing or leaf drooping, (more than what I already had, of course).