2 Problems--- Need RIU's help

Hey guys, I got a couple issues goin on out in the garden and I need your guys help diagnosing the problems.

Here's what I'm working with...

Day 15 of flower
RH stays in the low 40s
Temp is mid 70s
Nute schedule: Jameson's Recipe http://nwgt.org/forum/showthread.php?5-Nutrients-What-to-use-LOOK-HERE!&highlight=jameson+nutrients

Week 1-3 of flower

Add 5ml of Silica Blast per gallon of water (stir)
Add 5ml of Cal-Mag per gallon of water (stir)
Add 5ml of Diamond Nectar per gallon of water (stir)
add 5ml Liquid Carboload per gallon of water (mix with a small cup of warm water to help break the syrup down then toss in reservoir, then stir)
Add 6ml FloraMicro per gallon of water (stir)
add 9ml FloraBloom per gallon of water (stir)
Adjust PH to 6.3 for promix or 5.9 for hydro using ph up or ph down.

Problem #1

Leaves curling in on themselves live and inside out taco tips also curling in like a hook

Problem #2

They are ready to get fed right now but I was gonna see what you guys thought real quick before I got feed them the same thing ive been feeding them for a couple weeks now.