2 questions for my new grow


Active Member
hey guys im bout to transplant to my guerrilla spot. my plants are about a week old, being cared for by my friend back home. well anyways theyre gonna be getting some direct sunlight... partially shaded. what's their chance of survival? and also, would it be okay to put plant food sticks a foot down into the dirt and maybe a little off to the side so that i wont have to fuck with them later on? i was thinkin of breaking them in 2s or 4s and putting them on opposite corners of the hole that i dig. i plan to make these holes about a foot and a half wide by a foot and a half deep. im not sure if the soil beneath mine will be any good, as i haven't digged in it yet.

all advice is appreciated


Active Member
bump.. someone please help
and btw when i said "what's their chance of survival?" i forgot to add that they wouldn't be cared for but, maybe, once a month for their first 3 months of life