2 scrog questions


Hey everyone, second scrog so need some advice to see if everything looks cool, cool?
  1. Is this screen quite full enough to quit tucking underneath?
  2. If good to let it go through the screen, should I let it elongate some before throwing them into flower or, will it elongate enough during flower so just throw the switch now?
First scrog was with and LED, this is my first scrog with 600w MH so I need the advice. 3 THC Bombs, 1 Pineapple express for what its worth. Thanks for checking it out and for any advice.



sorry for the repost, hoping to get some more eyes on this and hopefully some advice. Didn't know how to repost in a different forum.


Great, thanks for the help. Any advice as to when to stop training? I've heard a week but confirmation would be nice.


Well-Known Member
Looking pretty full but I see some spots that could be filled in still. It's definitely full enough to switch to flower and you can continue to tuck until the stretching period of flower ends at around 3 weeks (it'll vary upon strain) or not. By that time those open areas could easily be filled in if you keep tucking. It would be tough to completely stop tucking through the stretch phase and still keep that canopy nice and even. Just see how it goes and tuck when need be to keep the canopy even, that's your goal... a nice even canopy


Looking pretty full but I see some spots that could be filled in still. It's definitely full enough to switch to flower and you can continue to tuck until the stretching period of flower ends at around 3 weeks (it'll vary upon strain) or not. By that time those open areas could easily be filled in if you keep tucking. It would be tough to completely stop tucking through the stretch phase and still keep that canopy nice and even. Just see how it goes and tuck when need be to keep the canopy even, that's your goal... a nice even canopy


sounds great! I have it now, I've been fixated on how tall to let them go above the screen. It's not so much about height as it is keeping them even until they've stopped stretching. Thanks for your help, good stuff