2 triple stacks hydrocodone and methodone =


Well-Known Member

What a great day :D

feel amazing.

Everyone be happy and have a good day.


Well-Known Member
methodone makes me throw up for the whole buzz and the next day, feels good though cotton wool protection around your spirit


Well-Known Member
no i took a triple stack x pill with a heart and a arrow going through it. 2 hydrocodone pills. and a shot of methodone


Well-Known Member
oh gotcha lol i woulda just done more opiates mmmm opiates but enjoy your afteroon ;)

and so ya know triple stack doesnt mean anything there isnt more e in them just mnoire garbage not trying to rain on your parade im sure your feeling great regardless


Well-Known Member
no i took a triple stack x pill with a heart and a arrow going through it. 2 hydrocodone pills. and a shot of methodone

Thank you for reminding me how awesome it is to be free of that crap! Put that poison down and find some real happiness. Trust if I can quit anyone can. (Only took twenty years and cost me five of them with my freedom.) Junky happiness has conditions. Therefore what happens when the junk is gone? I know, misery sets in and only JUNK can make it better. What a horrible life. I was a slave to that sh*t. I knew hundreds of others partaking as well. All slaves. Sorry I,m a realist you cant come here and spread that fake junky happiness without any truths coming to the table. IMO Much Love.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for reminding me how awesome it is to be free of that crap! Put that poison down and find some real happiness. Trust if I can quit anyone can. (Only took twenty years and cost me five of them with my freedom.) Junky happiness has conditions. Therefore what happens when the junk is gone? I know, misery sets in and only JUNK can make it better. What a horrible life. I was a slave to that sh*t. I knew hundreds of others partaking as well. All slaves. Sorry I,m a realist you cant come here and spread that fake junky happiness without any truths coming to the table. IMO Much Love.
thanks for speaking the TRUTH!!! +rep

ive only done E a couple times... and i can see how EASY it would be to become addicted... thats why i aint doin that shit no more... the high/happiness is incredible... but what happens when you not happy no more?


Well-Known Member
Thank you for reminding me how awesome it is to be free of that crap! Put that poison down and find some real happiness. Trust if I can quit anyone can. (Only took twenty years and cost me five of them with my freedom.) Junky happiness has conditions. Therefore what happens when the junk is gone? I know, misery sets in and only JUNK can make it better. What a horrible life. I was a slave to that sh*t. I knew hundreds of others partaking as well. All slaves. Sorry I,m a realist you cant come here and spread that fake junky happiness without any truths coming to the table. IMO Much Love.
I am a slave to Methadone. Don't do it, it stays with you for months,even after you've quit. It messes with the neurotransmitters in your brain and stops ANY feeling of euphoria. You have to take it just to feel" normal" It takes away any kind of high from opiates, any kind of high from just... LIFE.I put absolutely everything I can off until the last minute, I don't get high from it, but have to take it or get sick, well sick ain't the word for it TrailerTrashed is right with the word misery. I hate to see someone going down the same road, I know I am "Preaching" but man it's BAD SHIT. Get out while you still can!!! I wish someone would have told me, I would have never started!!
FYI I take 10 to 16 number 10 Norcos 2to 3 blue xanax and "gotta" have that methadone everyday, I get up at 4am to be at work at 5 and I work at a hospital,and I'm not the least bit buzzed. What a waste of my life. I'm just now working with my Doc to get Med card, hopefully get off the pills. I mean for Christs sake look at my picture I'm only 21 LOL


New Member
yea i was going to say,, didnt know people did methadone for rec use,,, never had to go on it myself but have seen that type of shit back in my junkie days


Well-Known Member
Why fuck with that. Oxy metodone herion demeral morphine it will grab you around the balls or vagina and never let go. My best friend could'nt handle it. He died. If you can'nt get buy on bud and a few beers does the devil own you????I never had the problem but I seen my friends fall.


New Member
only the strong survive in the drug world... you either control it or it controls you........then you either get out of it, or you dont...


Well-Known Member
only the strong survive in the drug world... you either control it or it controls you........then you either get out of it, or you dont...

Of course you do, but opiates kinda sneak in the back door and set up shop, especially the pharmaceutical ones with the long ass half-lives. Heroins half-life elimination rate, correct me if I'm wrong, is around 2 minutes, where oxy is like 4 or 5 hours... meaning right at the point of addiction a heroin user is getting sick at around an hour or faster and an oxy user wouldn't start feeling discomfort for almost 20 hours later, enough time to sleep, work, forget how often you do it. After about 2 monthes of what had become daily use I went away for a trip and didn't bring any with me. I realized I was addicted the third morning when withdrawal symptoms became prominent enough for me to realize I didn't just feel shitty for no reason. I had been kinda wondering if I'd been doing it too much, even if it was for pain and yadda yadda. Looked like it. Just all kinda ramped up after then. It sells for a dollar a milligram around here, and heroin was cheaper so after awhile I switched over. Then everything really went to shit. Went on methadone eventually, downed my dosage over the period of about a month and a half and then just went off it. Kinda wish I'd just quit heroin straight up, methadone withdrawal took forever and was agony. I'm just sayin it sneaks up on you, its not like blow or speed where you have a nice crash to gauge how much of a problem you have. Have fun, man, thats what its all about but don't be surprised if you lose a little time out of your life to pay for it.


100% Authentic A$$Hole
I found it harder to kick methadone then heroin. The sad thing is that methadone is what they give to junkies when they decide they don't want to do diesel anymore.....call it a substitution if you want but I dont see anything better to even justify that.....Philly alone has dozens of methadone clinics:peace: I detoxed from heroin in 4-5 days....I was doing about 8 bags a day as my rock bottom....day 2-3 are the worse imo.......It literally took me about 2 weeks to fully kick the methadone........Opiates are no joke, I still take some to this day but I have it under control....I have two fucked up disks in my back which is the reason for taking them....As far as the diesel I will never touch that again..........You keep fuckin around with the opiates and you are almost guaranteed to develop a dependency....And I shit you not when withdrawal sets in you will do whatever it takes to get more of what you need just to feel not sick....There were times I wish I was dead instead of going through the withdrawals:peace:


Well-Known Member
Any body know anything about Methadone? Hitlers Germany invented this "synthetic opiate" and immediately realized how incredably addictive it was. As World War II began to wind down, Hitler needed all his soilders for the front lines. All the guards from the concentration camps where, takin leaving no one to guard the camps. Hitlers solution was methadone. All the prisoners where givin said drug and quickly became dependent on it, thus creating a "chemical guard" of sorts. You see although they where prisoners, the need for methadone would outweigh the need for freedom and none would leave the prison. Horrible. Stop letting "Big Pharm" trick you. That sh*t is poison. Stop A.S.A.P. You dont need that crap to kick nothing. Kicking is hard but with methadone impossible. Stop letting it and Big pharm. control you. IMO Much Love.


Well-Known Member
I knew they invented methadone but I didn't about that. Hitler was fuckin crazy, man. The worlds most powerful tweaker. Towards the end his doctor was giving him upwards of 10-12 shots of methedrine a day, think it made him go even crazier. They put speed into chocolates for the soliders and called them Flyers chocolates and tankers chocolates.