2 weeks into budding.. help


Active Member
So its been bout two weeks since the plants have been in the budding stage. Got em under 400 wat hps. One plant is already showing sex and its a FEMALE! woot ha well im almost like 99.9 % sure and the pic i have right now arent very good. Ill get better ones later in the week.

reason for the post is for the other plant, its been through hell ha its the very first plant we started with. Right now the leaves are turning yellow then curling in and then dying. I can pull em off like every day. Any idea what this is from!?! and how to fix it

I have big bud neuts and am watering em bout every other day. the other plant is doing great and only has one yellow leaf. they both get the same treatment so im not sure why the one is being so crappy. They are both def different strands.. here are the pics :hump:



Active Member
okay so the first three pics are the ones of the plant giving me problems. Then there is the pic of both of em and then the last pics are the the good plant and that is the one yellow leaf on the good plant


Well-Known Member
your lower fan leaves are dying from lack of proper lighting, plus too much water. try watering every 3-4 days only, pot needs to almost dry out before it needs water again. The yellow leaves are only the fan leaves. just trim these off. You should be trying for a SOG with that much bushiness. try topping them for better growth. here try this...
maybe that'll help ya' maybe not...
Stay Green:mrgreen:


Active Member
How do i properly light my lower leafs?? :-|

your lower fan leaves are dying from lack of proper lighting, plus too much water. try watering every 3-4 days only, pot needs to almost dry out before it needs water again. The yellow leaves are only the fan leaves. just trim these off. You should be trying for a SOG with that much bushiness. try topping them for better growth. here try this...
maybe that'll help ya' maybe not...
Stay Green:mrgreen: