2 weeks of veg


Active Member
Well I looked into it and they both have blue spectrem light which is what i read that i need. and no they are not for animals i bought the light labeled as a plant bulb


New Member
the lights are about 8-10 inches away from my plant. I have one 120 watt grow bulb and one 26 watt natural light bulb. I am not using any nutes at all. Until i find a natural alternative i dont like smoking chemicals. And the grow room stays between 68 and 75 degrees. I just put the fan in that the pic has about 2 hours ago so it wont make a difference just yet.
Well all seems fine, although i'm assuming you've recently made these adjustments.

I'm assuming you're using soil, what brand is it?


Active Member
yeah go get the cfls and surround your plant with them. it looks long and skinny which i have read to be a bad thing. that main stem needs to thicken up. i think it is stretching/reaching for light


Active Member
I am using Jiffy seed starting soil. For some reason i couldnt find the soil i wanted ANYWHERE wasnt in home depot or any grow stores.. i was dumb founded. Cud only find this Jiffy junk. However the ingredients seem ok. "In California and Georgia, this mix contains 48% to 52% Sphagnum peat moss, 48% to 52% vermiculite and lime for pH balance" quote from the bag..


New Member
I am using Jiffy seed starting soil. For some reason i couldnt find the soil i wanted ANYWHERE wasnt in home depot or any grow stores.. i was dumb founded. Cud only find this Jiffy junk. However the ingredients seem ok. "In California and Georgia, this mix contains 48% to 52% Sphagnum peat moss, 48% to 52% vermiculite and lime for pH balance" quote from the bag..
Does it tell you the nute levels?

Either way the steps you've already taken should help a lot. Keep the lights as close as you can, although I gather you already figured that one out.

You should be fine in the soil for at least 3 weeks.

Did you pack the pot loosely? If it's too tight the roots will have a harder time uptaking the nutes already in the soil.


Well-Known Member
I just brush up the soil before i water not to much don't want to get those roots showing. more light and some fan. its just that easy


New Member
A good trick is when the soil is dry and before you are about to water. Pick up the poys and tap the bottom against the floor. This will help loosen up the soil before you water.


Active Member
can someone tell me how often i should water? It seems to dry out very very fast so i spray it with water daily. Is that too much?


Well-Known Member
can someone tell me how often i should water? It seems to dry out very very fast so i spray it with water daily. Is that too much?
You need to water as much as the plant needs it. I tend to go by the weight of the pot, get used to what it feels like dry compared to when you water. In some cases it will be daily. I've had plants that'll take nearly a gallon of water a day.

You can also look at the plant to tell you, the leaves will start to droop when watering is needed. Water it and in 30 mins the leaves plump right back up.

Marijuana does not like to be soaked in water, as the roots need a lot of oxygen. Overwatering is main problem of newbies. So let your plant tell you when it needs watering, you don't need to go by a strict schedule.


Well-Known Member
yea ive spent hours reading this site. Unfortunatly this stuff is best learned thru experience.. reading just doesnt quite cut it.
i agree slightly, ive only grown 2 plants and that was out side, they was monsters, that was 4 years ago since then ive dun nuffin but read up on growing, and my knowleage and understandign fo plants is high, but ive never grown indoors yet,


Active Member
I re positioned the fan so its like right on top of it and really making it move. I also was over watering. I stoped watering it and with that and the fan i have seen noticable growth in only a few hours!! before i wud see a little growth every few days. Now i got this goin, thanks guys.