2 weeks till harves what's wrong with my plant?? Pics included


Active Member
Hey everyone. I have 2 dutch passion mazar and 1 akorn snowbud. The snowbud I've not had a single issue with the entire grow but I've had some things going on with the other two. Well this is 1 of 2 and she looks the worst. 85% of her leaves look like this and are dead or dying off. Anyone know why??? I have 2 weeks till harvest I'll be starting my flush on monday. I looked at trichomes today and i guess they still look clear may a couple cloudy ones and zero amber. This is my first grow. Are the leaves dying off cause the plants coming to an end or is it a nute defic??? what should i do being this close to harvest the other one is like double the size and not this bad...thanks!1.jpg2.jpg3.jpg4.jpg5.jpgThe buds are all perfect looking no issues with those and I've included one photo of my large plat with a huge colam.jpg I might be wrong about the trichomes maybe they are done i don't know....


Well-Known Member
Well....first off, flushing will only make the matter worse. Your plant is hurting for a balanced diet of nutrients. I suspect that you're either not giving nutrients, or using bloom food that is either void or light in nitrogen.

You will not be able to reverse the yellowing already on the leaves, and odds are that it'll get worse even if you try to counter the deficiencies this late into bloom. You should give your plants some veg nutes to curb further yellowing though.


Active Member
Well....first off, flushing will only make the matter worse. Your plant is hurting for a balanced diet of nutrients. I suspect that you're either not giving nutrients, or using bloom food that is either void or light in nitrogen.

You will not be able to reverse the yellowing already on the leaves, and odds are that it'll get worse even if you try to counter the deficiencies this late into bloom. You should give your plants some veg nutes to curb further yellowing though.
thanks. ive been giving them the entire fox farm line


Well-Known Member
Check the NPK of what you're using.....If your N is much less than the P and K....that's your problem.


Active Member
The same thing happend to me with my last grow. Dont worry about it and just go and flush it as planned. Your gonna harvest in 2 weeks anyways.


I agree with person above me. Just start flushing it don't feed anymore now risk getting nutes in final harvest even if you are gonna flush. For me it's just too close cause I'm 2 1/2 weeks from harvesting a bagseed of mine and it's starting to show this on it. And if I learned anything from my last grow it's don't make drastic changes cause it'll take a few days for the plant to uptake the nutes then you'd have to take it longer to flush more so no chemical taste in your mouth.