20 Gallon beer tubs as pots?


Well-Known Member
Sure would, drill a bunch of holes in the bottom, and then fill the bottom couple inchs with gravel. This will ensure good drainage. Then you'd have room to grow some big ass bushes with that much medium.


Well-Known Member
i like the 18 gallon totes..but they didn't go on sale yet..
im going to some of these and drill small holes all over them...
they will air prune the roots like a smart pot...
thanks for posting....
wanna do a grow off?


Well-Known Member
half inch holes will let soil leak out,when the plant is watered...
imo its best to make 100's of small holes
but that's just me...


Well-Known Member
I agree mr brown water lol. I would do a bunch of small ones, 1/4 is prolly a good size. Heres another really cool idea to help get air to the root zone. https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/122372-airbasket-fimming-tech-pics.html?highlight=natmoon's+air+basket I ran these on several plants a couple years ago, and it worked awesome. There was a noticable differance between the onces that had and didn't have the air. Its a really simple way to improve the root zone, which should increase yields. Only reason I don't still use it is I grow hydro now.

Here is another couple threads that highlight the air basket technique.https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/39993-p-p-p-x-blueberry.html and https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/90011-4x4-600w-scrog-3rd-wk-11.html.

I didn't bother to do mine in the air basket which is why I'm mentioning it here. I mixed my soil like Natmoon suggested with lots of perlite, and also some of those water retentoin crystals from lowes. I added the air sponge about 3 inch from the bottom of my grow bags, and ran the hose out the bottom to the air pump. Simple way to massivly increase the amount of air to the root zone.


Active Member
+rep Lots of info thanks!

I bought the last 4 buckets Walmart had today and will keep an eye out for more. I also priced out my soil mix and stuff today! I'm all set for putting my stuff together and getting this grow going! I"m going to do 1/4th inch holes. I'll probably do that and take pics tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
NO problem man, I thought it was a really neat idea when I first saw it back in 08. Then for the like $25 it cost me to set it up on 4 of my 5 gallon pots, I figured there is no way I can not win. When I saw the plants actually growing differant, and the yielding more then the ones right next to them with indentical conditions I was sold. That scrog I link to you the guy pulled over 10 oz off one plant which speaks for its self.


Active Member
If you look in the bottom of black plastic grow pots from home depot. Those holes are half inch ....


Well-Known Member
If you've ever used them then you know that soil can make its way out the holes. If you have gravel at the bottom, or don't care about a little wash out then whatever. Its doesn't really make any differance as long as you have good drainage.