2000w Organic Killing fields grow


Active Member
Killingfields stretches like crazy. It'll go for a good month after putting it into flower.

Yours are looking good so far.


Active Member
"Killing Fields" what kind of name is that? When I smoke I don't want to be thinking of maniacs butchering people in Cambodia.


Well-Known Member
"Killing Fields" what kind of name is that? When I smoke I don't want to be thinking of maniacs butchering people in Cambodia.
Than don't smoke it, I'm just tryn somebody's gear that is pretty reputable and cheap. I'm always down to grow new shit, personally I'm tired of all the "og" strains, Cali is saturated with OG's


Well-Known Member
These crazy ass plants still have at least four weeks left and they're crazy fuckn colors with crazy ass Chrystal production. I would take a group shot of the plants themselves but iPhone can't screen out the yellow of the hps.


What were the temperatures for your grow?? I've heard this strain doesn't need cool temps to purple. Oh and you're killing fields look fucking AWESOME.


Well-Known Member
No doubt-- I've never seen shit get so purple so fast. Looks awesome, I would love to get a hold of some pre 98 bubba kush. I ran hso's version and it was awesome.