2013 outdoor medical 200 gal geo and smart pots grow


Well-Known Member
wow nice row crossfade. Just spent 45min reading and looking at all these beautiful outdoor plants. I have a headband I'm begging right now and should be putting outside hopefully june 1st. I live around 10000 elevation in colorado and last sunday we got another 15in of snow... so for now I'm begging indoors and hopefully ill be outdoors soon. i want to use a big 65galllon container but I'm nervous it will get to cold and i won't be able to bring my girl inside.

but amazing grow last year crossfade.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys whats up I have next to nothing going on,mice or rats girdled all of my plants they were in the garage in a tent under lights and everyone of them was eaten just around the stalks they slowly died.They were clones from indoor chem,gdp, star,and kk.This was over a month ago ordered new seeds and they have gotten snagged twice by customs.I have some alpha dawg and some royal k going inside and would have used them but they are on a night cycle so no go.I started some kk and some chem seeds that I made but they are only just now comeing up so I am behind.I am not going to be growing at my property not worth it at this point so backyard grow for me besides my business keeps me vary busy and running back and forth last year plus work and wife and kids was to much.I will post pics in the outdoor thread when there is something to look at.
Wish I could come up a farm it for you and we could split it. I could bring my bike and we could pilage the forest .


Well-Known Member
Gb yes rats suck both kinds,I will be watching your grow and hopefully have somthing to show.DOuble take thanks and I might try herbies ,I am on my third resend so we will see what happens.TWS THAT IS NOT A BAD IDEA next year that could be a reality.I pissed off the neighboring property owner last year and the mfer brought the sherriff down and showed him my crop while I was sitting there triming.He came right to the fence line and started bitching I told to get bent I am legal and have been respectful all year if you have a problem tough shit cop laughed and they took off but we are not done mfer is going to get his.He thought he could scare me as he is a big ol redneck but I got right in his face and he humbled up,didnt hurt that I had my 310 pound trimmer chilling with me lol.I only had twelve plants and he was pissed so next time I am thinking 48 plants and see how the bitch likes that!Frosty69 thankyou and goodluck I saw that you guys were getting more snow hope it warms up and you can get a grow in.


Well-Known Member
Yea ! we could ride by your neighbor and get on the pipe . lol

Man! I never had any problem getting my seeds. This year I had two orders snagged. The first one came thru on the second resend. The second one I tried three times before I gave up. They have a new machine or something now. It's been hard for a lot a folks.


Well-Known Member
The seeds hopefully make it it will be 13 days tomorrow and it normally takes around fourteen fingers crossed if they do make it I will only put a couple outside with the others already going,and the rest saved for the next indoor cycle.My neighbor doesnt mind the motorcycle he just hates weed and "you people who grow it" lol dick.


Well-Known Member
Fresno farmer thanks your right he is a dick,also we used to live in fresno shaw and valentine in some apartments,worked in clovis for three years before we moved to lo . Fresno has grown it trips me out how much it has changed,good luck on your grow l will be watching.


Well-Known Member
That's what's up. I grew up in that area. I remember when it used to be just a bunch of dirt lots out here haha. Only thing that kills me is the fuckin psycho city council, sheriffs and police department. They love to blame cannabis grows for the crime rate. But they let all the dope fiends and sex offenders run wild. Ass backwards.Thanks also brotha. Keep it lit.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
crossfade, loved the grow man. out west seems like a beautiful place (besides the wildfires). Just did a 20 min skim and it seemed like a rainy year, but you got some beauts. Nice job. you make me want to take the old Oregon trail and head out west. (east coaster here). Beastly,lush bushes. great job.