2016 Woot farms.

When my grandfather was still alive we always had ~50 head of cattle at the ranch and miles and miles of soybean. Good to grow up around that.
Same here my great grandfather came straight from the Azores ..bought a little dairy farm my dad and uncles worked it as kids ....then by the time I was a lil guy it had progressed from the dairy to beef cattle and now we have ranches all over nor/cal Central Valley to the foot hills ...still have cattle but we mainly farm our land now alfalfa/corn etc ....but yes great way to grow up and make a living ....we still have the original farm my great grandad bought/built It's our homebase and my grandparents still live in the old Victorian mansion they built over many years .....cool stuff
I used to want to take on being a butcher when I was still in school I never did instead I was a slaughterman for 7 years before changing occupations for better money.But I love the whole thing about the local butcher shop the service the smells everything...your raising your own beef etc how awesome is that
I was a cattle farmer for most of my life. Ate so much beef in those days I'm kind of burned out on it now.
I used to want to take on being a butcher when I was still in school I never did instead I was a slaughterman for 7 years before changing occupations for better money.But I love the whole thing about the local butcher shop the service the smells everything...your raising your own beef etc how awesome is that
Yes I always have two here at the house foods free mostly except for certain grains because we farm ....and it's hard to eat store bought beef now for sure it's totally different
Same here my great grandfather came straight from the Azores ..bought a little dairy farm my dad and uncles worked it as kids ....then by the time I was a lil guy it had progressed from the dairy to beef cattle and now we have ranches all over nor/cal Central Valley to the foot hills ...still have cattle but we mainly farm our land now alfalfa/corn etc ....but yes great way to grow up and make a living ....we still have the original farm my great grandad bought/built It's our homebase and my grandparents still live in the old Victorian mansion they built over many years .....cool stuff
From the Azores and bought a dairy? No... I don't believe it. Lol
I used to want to take on being a butcher when I was still in school I never did instead I was a slaughterman for 7 years before changing occupations for better money.But I love the whole thing about the local butcher shop the service the smells everything...your raising your own beef etc how awesome is that
The only thing I miss about living in the cuts is not being able to raise a pair of hogs every year. We'd fill 2 stand up freezers with one hog and half a beef with ease. Of all the things I miss the bacon the most
The only thing I miss about living in the cuts is not being able to raise a pair of hogs every year. We'd fill 2 stand up freezers with one hog and half a beef with ease. Of all the things I miss the bacon the most
My BIL raises two pigs at a time. The last two he named Link and Patty. Whole hog smoked sausage. Damn good.

One of the reasons he keeps them, other than the meat, is the smell. His plants are close to the hog pen, and they do a pretty good job of masking the flowers.
A couple of my friends and I butcher 2 or 3 every winter and make almost whole hog. I say almost because we keep the loins of course and we slow smoke the barely trimmed ribs to eat on the spot. We usually fry up a few patties on the spot but I like my fresh sausage to sit in fridge a few days to meld the spice flavors. I want to taste fresh sage and red pepper from my garden in every bite lol.