2024 Election Discussion & Media Thread – Follow All Guidelines

Fascism is a process. It doesn't happen overnight. :roll:

Not saying dumpy is outright fascist, but alot of the steps he and the r's exhibit, point that way. But hey, whatever eh.
He's checked every fascist box and every malignant narcissist box. A malignant narcissist is the worst possible type of human being to run a country. The world will suffer, not just Americans. The optimism over his foreign policy is extremely short-sighted and seems to be entirely emotional. As a malignant narcissist, he will satisfy his emotional needs by friendships with dictators and eschewing our allies, who do not respect him. He is as predictable as they get. Chaos is guaranteed. But hedge fund managers are in for a golden age. The rest of us are screwed.
I’m all like not even care at this point about the Trump show. It’s so boring. He has no power right now and his entire hand of cards will change when he gets his power. I want to stay positive for now. Has anyone read Melania autobiography? I read Michelle’s so thinking about reading hers to see how fucked up she is. It’s either that or another fucking rom com. Which one will make me cry more??
I’m all like not even care at this point about the Trump show. It’s so boring. He has no power right now and his entire hand of cards will change when he gets his power. I want to stay positive for now. Has anyone read Melania autobiography? I read Michelle’s so thinking about reading hers to see how fucked up she is. It’s either that or another fucking rom com.
You hit the nail on the head but I'm not positive at all. I was dreaming of not having Trump stories in the news. Now there are more than ever and he has an insatiable appetite for attention. I gloss over the Trump headlines and watch SNL and late-night comedy for news now. I'm worn out, exhausted. I'm not going down without a fight though. But I can take a long break.
I don't think the average voter even knows how a democracy is supposed to work. They might find out how autocracy works instead. Even if he doesn't attempt a coup, by the looks of his cabinet picks, he's gonna attempt to gut some important cogs in the wheels of government. Then his mass deportation and sweeping tariffs will make a bigger mess, not to mention cost people alot more, if they have the funds to pay.

Right-wing news isn't very educational so I suppose that may be a factor in fooling people to vote for him too.
Well the current Sec. of Def. is a retired 4 star,this guy rose to Major w/a couple bronze stars,but the Fox thing is a hint to his ideology and yeah military service is no end all look at Gen Flynn,he went off the rails. Most all Orange's choices are outside the box,Rubio is the least controversial,Gaetz is absolutely maddening,this guy I'll reserve judgement.You get what you vote for and a majority of our nation voted for retribution straight up and I sure as hell aren't looking at this through rose colored glasses,myself and my state MA voted blue though the margins surprised me even here. I'm not expecting much but I respect those who've served and I hope this guy is somewhat competent that's all,I'm not saying I like it,these 4 yrs. will be a rocky ride as the standards voters hold politicians to has dropped to shocking(IMO) levels.
I need to revise my view on the Sec. of Def. choice,I knew little when I posted,while listening to Public Radio(one of the few news sources still trusted) and a semi-deep dive into this dude reveals he is deep into Christian right ideology,these people possess DARK views in how our country should run,they aspire to the Book of Revelation word for word and the separation of Church and State,a bedrock of our Cons.,doesn't exist in the changes they'd like to institute,SCARY.Religion should be kept in it's proper place,respect all faiths,mock none,and just do your thing, ferver in these matters is the bane of humanity,twisted into hatred,and causing war,carnage,and atrocities for centuries.
I don't think the average voter even knows how a democracy is supposed to work. They might find out how autocracy works instead. Even if he doesn't attempt a coup, by the looks of his cabinet picks, he's gonna attempt to gut some important cogs in the wheels of government. Then his mass deportation and sweeping tariffs will make a bigger mess, not to mention cost people alot more, if they have the funds to pay.

Right-wing news isn't very educational so I suppose that may be a factor in fooling people to vote for him too.
People are so FKN dumbed down, I live in a city of 95K,so many are on housing(section 8) vouchers,SSI,disability,etc.,barely half work,and per capita $ lags like a MF compared to that of the state MA.UNBELIEVABLY my city went to Trump,piss poor people voting R who DEPEND on gov. for survival voting for smaller gov. torn down depts staffed w/psychophants who will take a chainsaw to their benefits WTF were they thinking?
Trump Is Gunning for Birthright Citizenship—and Testing the High Court
The president-elect has targeted the Fourteenth Amendment’s citizenship protections for deletion. The Supreme Court might grant his wish.
I’m all like not even care at this point about the Trump show. It’s so boring. He has no power right now and his entire hand of cards will change when he gets his power. I want to stay positive for now. Has anyone read Melania autobiography? I read Michelle’s so thinking about reading hers to see how fucked up she is. It’s either that or another fucking rom com. Which one will make me cry more??
I feel ya, Doc
Oh Jr, really dude, guess once a coke addict always a coke addict.......so that was your stuff they found in the white house a couple yr back????

but i have a quick question..............why is that orange bumbling idiot sniffing his finger????? curious minds wanna know......
Yea that's pretty odd behavior if wasn't coke, what else would make you do that. Text book coke behavior seen and been there unfortunately, he wasn't expecting to be seen by anyone. Curious now...