2200 Watt Good Neighbor Grow


Well-Known Member
i water with sm90. helps me keep them at bay. good as a foliar spray too.
you use as a soil drench?? illl maybe try that to wipe them out and make sure... hows ur schedule go with that.. like do you water and fed with it or plain water.. ya know?????


Well-Known Member
you use as a soil drench?? illl maybe try that to wipe them out and make sure... hows ur schedule go with that.. like do you water and fed with it or plain water.. ya know?????
i water with the nutes. 2-3 ml per gal of water. i use it just about every time i water as of late.

looks like im going back to cutting edge for a nute line. h&g was considered and would be nice. but i would have to dump close to $550 with my discount just for start up. X-nutes has failed me, no one carries it in my area anymore. the few that carried it have closed recently.


Well-Known Member
hey man been busy i see.. ay wtf with the fuzz? fukin hate pigs dude, why they on your shit? stay up bro. ha dont even talk about the f ed up weather my a/c blower went out 2 days ago and i got 2 more left without. 90 in house 98 in grow room....:(


Well-Known Member
ouch 98 thats fuckin hot bro....The cops are always trying to fuck around here they are hella dirty, its a small town but they were lookin to bust someone that night there were a couple lil brawls goin on with a couple of the neighbors myself included but i went inside, just as the cops were showing up, if i had been outside already i probably woulda sat in jail for the night..

Ihave been busy as heck and still not getting everthing done that i wanted, and im also in between a career change too, cause this office shit isnt bad but i need a change... wish me luck guys im droppin off my resume/app at lunch


Well-Known Member
i hear ya,but never effected the plant ,still pulled 2 to 4 dry zips per plant.
i get that, no worries. i just wont support a company thats pushing so hard for genetically modified foods to overcome regular foods. too many controversial issues going on with monsanto and i just dont give them my business becuz of it.


Well-Known Member
i jus lightly mist the top soil..i also use commercial pesticides epa approved ,never a prob... but the best thing is to clean and spray before plants brot in,saves from future probs.


Well-Known Member
damn close one... good to here ya cool tho. good luck wit the job bro i hate tryin to find work coin the whole dick around process. im same boat as you, but i havent begun the search yet as busy as i am...
the heat does blow but my ladies are taking it way better than me. they are almost not affected it seems, must be this stuff potassium silicate stuff i use. says it protects plants from drought. guess the lable was right hahaha



Well-Known Member
it was 108 everyday here for god knows how long ,monsoons cooling us off in texas...glad to hear you got out of that ...i havent been so lucky ,got hit with 75 plants few yrs ago.wasnt nuthin pretty.


Well-Known Member
Na im still here in cali just been too lazy to update yall with some pics, i have alot goin on andim going to pick up another tent tomorrow, a 5x10 im thinkin for the livingroom, but wheres my furniture gonna go...???? Ill update with pics soon actually i got nothing goin on tonight so ill try tonight.


Well-Known Member
Na im still here in cali just been too lazy to update yall with some pics, i have alot goin on andim going to pick up another tent tomorrow, a 5x10 im thinkin for the livingroom, but wheres my furniture gonna go...???? Ill update with pics soon actually i got nothing goin on tonight so ill try tonight.
mmmmmmm. furniture. lol. :hump:


Well-Known Member
hey RIU i got my laptop and camera with me today i didnt get a chance to update lastnight, i still dont have internet at my house, so im gonna go to the cafe and have lunch and do a proper update guys, im pickin up the 5x10 today after work... so itll be a few days before anything goes in there. i gotta get another hood too