2200 Watt Hydroponic 4 Table Perpetual 4X8 Tent Grow


New Member
Yeah, why use more light in veg then bloom? Wouldn't you yield more, granted they grow bigger, faster that way.

Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't soil buds more of the taste? Where's hydro is more of the yield? Also, I'm pretty sure the test results were that a 600 is better than a 1k because of the advantage of less heat, less watts and more coverage. When you can get 2 600s and cover two times more of an area, then with just 1 1k... The 1k have better denseness, and penetration, with more watts. 600s win in my book
#1 If you pound them harder with light and keep your temps stable, they will naturally shade themselves and create a lot more foliage, thus you'll have a bushier plant with several colas. Your node spacing will be nice and tight too. Leaves are transparent, so if you hit em hard enough with light, you wont need to defoliate to get the light through. If you have your lights set higher, you'll avoid bleaching out your plants as well. Running less light in bloom is my way to mimic the fall weather. It's cooler. Spring and summer is hotter, fall is cooler. The plants understand this too. This is also why I run 65 degrees at night and 79 during the day. What youre doing when youre indoor growing is trying to create the perfect environment. Seasonal changes are no exception.

#2 Hydro is more of a yield. For sure. BUT, even soil growers can produce dirt taste hay weed. The taste of hydro is fine. If your plant is healthy you have nothing to worry about. It's when you get root rot and algae in your system when it starts tasting funky. Been there done that. That problem has long been solved.

#3 I'm 10 years in the game. I've run 600's, 1000's, dirt and soil. 1000's and hydro win. That's it. I was new once too and I remember my first beer.... yeah it was called 600w draft. 600's are real cute. Really. But they don't make 1000w'ers for nothing. I ran the same strain for years and nearly doubled my yield when switching to hydro, increased my yield again when I added co2, and the story goes on. Point I'm trying to make, after 10 years of doing shit, you end up in a personal preference position and youre usually set on tried and true methods. My tried and true is 1000's and hydro, I simply laugh at anyone that buys 600's now but hey, that's just me and personal preference. More power to you 600 guys. I'd rather run the 1000w mag ballasts because IF I decide I need more floor space, I can run a splitter off the 1000w mag ballast and run 2 600w lights. The issue isn't floor space. I have enough damn power and enough dang lights not to worry about any of the 4x4 or 5x5 foot prints you speak of. I had 4 lights covering a 4x8 spot so I don't think I was having a problem with a foot print.

#4 Test results on 600 is better than 1000 because of this and that. Who did the test? You? Probably not. I did my own test and when something obviously works better, you run with it. I could hang 600's over the exact same setup and I wouldn't get a 1/2p per plant. Nope. I'd get about 1/4p per plant. The increase is significant, plus, the nugs are solid. the 600's are average, and 400's are pretty weenie. But don't trust my word, you can try for yourself. If you have a personal preference because of test results and personal comparisons that you didn't make, I'd suggest doing your own set of trial and error work to see if you're actually right about what you say.


Active Member
"I'm ten years in the game"

Yeah, youve said that alot. And I agree, to each there own. I'm going to stick with my mother natureous soil, and get a 1000 watt LED. Just to PWN you. LOL stay fresh hoes

Live in the now!!


Well-Known Member
Actually, I had to hack them down last night. You win Tavid :)
Fuck it man. I don't even want to hear the details. I feel for ya Man. You'll be up again soon enough.
I'm still laying down more light with a better spread than you using 600's, lol.
Still pulling rock hard 4 inch wide 12-14 inch colas... With my cute 600's :bigjoint:

Fuck Man, I wasn't looking to win anything Bro. That's just fucked up man. That was a beautiful Crop.
How long you thinking you'll be down?


Well-Known Member
I upgraded to a 50 gallon Reservoir. Hoping to level out the PH - EC and increase the amount of time between adjustments. Should be pretty smooth from here on out. Running Bloom nutes at 1.0 EC. Each plant is different, and I can already see I won't be harvesting everything at once.
CAN'T WAIT to see what this harvest looks like!!!

I threw in a couple pictures of my controllers. The larger one is the Temperature Controller, the smaller one Controls Humidity. I need to
put them in a project box and get em nice and neat. They aren't the prettiest right now but they work great.
The DWC bucket is Skunk 47.

Enjoy the pics.



Well-Known Member
^^ the one on the right looks droopy, with a small defiency of K. I like it though

Actually they were just transplanted. Shock was minimal-just a touch of droop. Color washed out by flash. Nice and green. I use Hydro-Research VEG+BLOOM

Forgot to mention, due to fast drain, I slowly increase feed cycle up to 1/20 minutes; then after it peaks, I begin to back down. Late flower 1/100-120 minutes, but I increase on time to make sure the LR are plenty wet (~ 30 sec)


Well-Known Member
I was just looking at my last grow to see how this one stacks up.
Double, or tripple the amount of budsites, and definitely looking a lot better.
The Scrog is way tighter, and even.
Here's the last grow and current grow right at or around day 40.
I think this round is going to be a bit better. :weed:



Well-Known Member
Day 49​

WOW, what a learning curve. I could have gotten by with less plants, lol. Quite the task tucking leaves, and keeping this thing from getting overgrown.
Coming along beautiful nonetheless. Still fighting the pheno's a bit as half are flowering nicely, and the other half are just starting. Will definitely
be a staggered harvest.

I'm not complaining. :gthumb:



Well-Known Member


We've got a case of the overgrown ScrOG. I definitely used too many plants this round. Stretched the Scrog as much as possible, there;s just no where for the taller stuff to go at tis point. Just going to let it ride.




Active Member
Looks like a fuckin jungle in there man.. I'm pretty sure I'm seeing little micro monkeys swinging in between those colas... Wicked sweet


Well-Known Member
Nice setup im sub'd up
Cool, should be a fun ride from here on out.
Looks like a fuckin jungle in there man.. I'm pretty sure I'm seeing little micro monkeys swinging in between those colas... Wicked sweet
Yeah man, it's definitely overgrown. I don't like to do it like that, it just happened this round. A few too many plants. Should be pretty crazy when it get's further into flower. I don't know what's gonna happen, but I'm excited for whatever.
great job..

the roots are crazy healthy in those flat totes. well done
Thanks. I was worried it wouldn't work out very well. The roots were shock white until I started to run Floraliscous+. That stuff is like INK.


Active Member
Shit.. If ya run outa space, and you don't mind working a bit, throw some of those bitches outside. Shouldn't do anything but good


New Member
You're not overgrown. You're doing it right. Taviddude... Not very often do I say this but.... You're hooked up like a tow truck.


Well-Known Member
Man, these plants are crazy. They are drinking a 50 gallon reservoir down to where I have to refill it every 3 days. 35-40 gallons in 3 days, does that sound right?
I'm also running a humidifier set at 50% RH so it's not like they're in a super dry environment.
I'll be happy when I go perpetual and start running more reservoirs. I figured a 50 gallon res would give me some breathing room.
I was wrong I guess.

Not complaining though