24 hour veg question


Active Member
In my eyes... It kind of is a newbie question, but I've been searching non-stop to find out this answer. Is it possible without stressing the plant too much... Since Im flowering right now in my other section, To put a vegging plant under the HPS during the 12/12 period of light, then back to the vegging room for the other 12 under the 6500k spectrum?

So It would be hps/mh 800watt mix for 12 hours.... then 6500k 300watt equiv at night for 12 hours.
Would that be safe? Or would that possibly stress it too much into turning male even more?
IMO consistency is always appreciated by my girls switching them from flower to veg won't harm them too much unless left in the 12/12 cycle area for long enough to get really devoted to flowering. Then there will be alot of stress. I'd say if it's not 3weeks maximum into flower it's okay to reveg it.


Active Member
why would you want to do that? If you have a MH, use that for veg and HPS for flowering. Dont try and reinvent the wheel.

The MH is in the flowering room WITH the HPS... so for flowering Im using 800watts of a mixed light spectrum. I wanted more power in my flowering room. SO, why not have the best of both worlds in the room at the same time?

IMO consistency is always appreciated by my girls switching them from flower to veg won't harm them too much unless left in the 12/12 cycle area for long enough to get really devoted to flowering. Then there will be alot of stress. I'd say if it's not 3weeks maximum into flower it's okay to reveg it.
I think you read what I was saying wrong lol. The plant in my vegging room.... Would it be safe to take out from under the CFL's after my flowering room lights turned on... to put it under that for 12 hours... then at lights off... it would go back to the CFL vegging room


Well-Known Member
Sure, you could do that. I wouldn't see it causing any major issues. Hell, it would probably like the change up in light spectrum.

John Jacob

Active Member
Ive done this for a little, get the vegging ladies a little extra lumens for 12 hrs or so.. its not going to hurt the girly but it wont be an incredible increase in growth speed either. Try it out mayb she's a quick adapter but they take a couple hours to adjust to the increase to really start taking in more lumens. Also I dont know if you've ever read about plants can only absorb so much light until its no longer beneficial for them so I guess that reason and inconvience going into my flower room before they turn off and put the veggy girl back in her 24hr room, then you run into the issue if you miss the lights turning off you have to open the flower up possibly stressing your flower girl.. All said and done its worth trying thats my motto, but for me this was too risky to stress out my 12/12 girl and go hermi! :cry:


Active Member
sounds good. I just didnt know if the change up with lumen/light absorption and different light intensities would stress it to the point of male/hermie.

Better safe than pissed off as i say hahaha