24 hours or 18/6



This is my first grow, I have a nirvana short rider going here. I planted the seed right in the final pot on 9/20 and I believe it broke ground on 9/26 (I planted it too deep and actually had to scrape some soil away).

Since then it was growing like gangbusters, but not vertically. The past few days I noticed that the top leaf sets aren't developing very fast anymore, but I think thats because I got like 16 or so leaf sets popping out below, this plant is like super bushy.

I am growing under 24/0 (except for a couple of days I had to kill the light for 6 hours or so when the HVAC tech was working on the system in the same room, because I underestimated how good you have to lay the insulation to make the cabinet actually lightproof, and mine leaks alot of light).

I know I have a short autoflower here but I really hope this thing starts growing vertically again because its so damn short and bushy.

Just my 2 cents, I suspect the 24/0 keeps it short and bushy.
