250 ug

I wanna took it to enhance my perception like to SEE the WORLD as it is.That s how it was the last time”joy”, looking at the WORLD through the eyes of a child, beauty all around u...this time i think i wanna trip in a forest or a place in nature
Acid is subjective, more does not necessarily mean better. It's not like a percocet where 20mg is great, but 80mg is much better. 200mcg may be super potent for one, and not for the other. Acid is not really about the high, its more of the experience. Dont think the higher the dose the better the high, as yourself, was the experience last time close to the peak of the mountain were I want to be on that journey
Acid is subjective, more does not necessarily mean better. It's not like a percocet where 20mg is great, but 80mg is much better. 200mcg may be super potent for one, and not for the other. Acid is not really about the high, its more of the experience. Dont think the higher the dose the better the high, as yourself, was the experience last time close to the peak of the mountain were I want to be on that journey
yeaaah i kinda know what u re talking about...
Acid is subjective, more does not necessarily mean better. It's not like a percocet where 20mg is great, but 80mg is much better. 200mcg may be super potent for one, and not for the other. Acid is not really about the high, its more of the experience. Dont think the higher the dose the better the high, as yourself, was the experience last time close to the peak of the mountain were I want to be on that journey
u mean that higher doses may be more spiritual than recreational, right?
u mean that higher doses may be more spiritual than recreational, right?
No . Wtf. Its not like a percocet. A percocet gets better the more you do until you over dose. Acid can get worse the more you do. Thats the point. Acid is powerful, treat it with respect, and it will respect you. High acid doses are cool, but a high dose is subjective to each person. Dont give pushing the limits. If your going into this thinking o this will be the next cool drug like, coke, pills, alcohol, etc. Your going in with thr wrong intentions. Its a spiritual drug, not a hollow high like the wrest
Tripping is like becoming a parent: you can prepare, but you can’t actually BE prepared: you can only roll with it and do your best to stay connected
Tripping is like becoming a parent: you can prepare, but you can’t actually BE prepared: you can only roll with it and do your best to stay connected

Wait, what? Do your best to stay connected? Take it as some sort of test?

I find that going where it leads is better than "trying" to do anything.
I find it helpful to stay in my center, not get fragmented...maybe I have put tripped enough, by some standard, but not losing myself has always made for better experiences...it’s kind of a “whole cat” exercise
You can lose your ego, lose ‘control’, let go, and not lose your self... call it the ‘Heisenberg certainty principle’...”who is the One more constant, more faithful, than all the Buddha’s and all the sages?”
You can lose your ego, lose ‘control’, let go, and not lose your self... call it the ‘Heisenberg certainty principle’...”who is the One more constant, more faithful, than all the Buddha’s and all the sages?”
The more u loose ur ego the more u find urself.But in my opinion u can t compare Heisenberg with Buddha and sages really if that’s what u mean
True...and wasn’t comparing them! Two separate thoughts, but, like all things, connected

Since I’d only come up with ‘heisenberg certainty principle’ right then, what I meant was “even as observation affects the experiment - and the observer - the observer remains itself, and is not lost”...maybe not a principle...call it a corrolary.
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True...and wasn’t comparing them! Two separate thoughts, but, like all things, connected

Since I’d only come up with ‘heisenberg certainty principle’ right then, what I meant was “even as observation affects the experiment - and the observer - the observer remains itself, and is not lost”...maybe not a principle...call it a corrolary.
Aaaaa i seee, i m sorry for my wrong interpretation actually
True...and wasn’t comparing them! Two separate thoughts, but, like all things, connected

Since I’d only come up with ‘heisenberg certainty principle’ right then, what I meant was “even as observation affects the experiment - and the observer - the observer remains itself, and is not lost”...maybe not a principle...call it a corrolary.
Yeah that will mean actual death but , even when u die ur conciousness remains in the observer mode or it becones part of the whole(just sayin’ how i feel i m not quite sure)what s ur opinion?
“Observation” is analogous to “awareness”: the wider our awareness, the larger we become, the more we ‘include’, the less ‘central’ the ‘I’ becomes...but even in oceanic consciousness - ‘complete dissolution’ - there remains that spark, that is capable of the experience of awareness. All my experiences tell me that however the experience may change, that spark must remain in order for any experience to occur.

Call it a soul, if you will; it’s *not* the ego: it *has* no ego, no thought, no motive. It just *is*...and I believe it endures. “It” is what moves from life to life, if you believe in that sort of thing (I take it as a working hypothesis)

Getting pretty metaphysical here.... Interesting line of questions. Thanks. That was fun.

Yeah, all my own view/experience/thoughts/‘opinion’.
“Observation” is analogous to “awareness”: the wider our awareness, the larger we become, the more we ‘include’, the less ‘central’ the ‘I’ becomes...but even in oceanic consciousness - ‘complete dissolution’ - there remains that spark, that is capable of the experience of awareness. All my experiences tell me that however the experience may change, that spark must remain in order for any experience to occur.

Call it a soul, if you will; it’s *not* the ego: it *has* no ego, no thought, no motive. It just *is*...and I believe it endures. “It” is what moves from life to life, if you believe in that sort of thing (I take it as a working hypothesis)

Getting pretty metaphysical here.... Interesting line of questions. Thanks. That was fun.

How does one act in order to preserve this spark?

Yeah, all my own view/experience/thoughts/‘opinion’.
“Don’t worry, be happy”?

In my case, it was surprisingly easy...I was tripping with friends, folks who had tripped both more often and more recently than I; instead of minimizing my dose, as I’d done before, I took two hits instead of my usual one-half. As it was coming on, I got “tense and nervous...can’t relax”, and one of my friends asked me what I needed.

“I need to know that if I let go, if I just go with it, I won’t “go away” - I won’t lose myself, I’ll still be me”.

“That’s easy,” I was told: “you can’t lose anything that’s really *you*, so you’ll still “be there” even if you let go”.

I immediately felt much better, and I did a little stretching to overcome the tension I’d accumulated...and then I just rolled with it. Let go and let it take me, ‘secure’ in the idea that -whatever I experienced, I wouldn’t ‘turn into’ someone or something else...and it just flowed from there. It was one of the best trips I’ve ever had. Since then I’ve tripped dozens of times at least, and I’ve gotten lost in my head, lost in time, lost in space, but always been me - and able to come back and still be me.

But that doesn’t really address your question...umm, [zen-mode] how must a rock act to preserve its rock? It only need to be what it is [/zen]

If you *are* that spark of awareness, simply *being* it is enough...in slightly more detail, don’t do anything you wouldn’t do, and you’ll be fine...and remember you’re on a trip: if your brother turns into a giant preying mantis, it’s your mind playing games - watch the show, but don’t get caught o in the game: don’t kill your brother in an effort to save the world from the bug invasion! If it gets disturbing, remember it’s your brother, and look at something else - stretching is *always* a great way to shift your focus - pet your cat, rub your face with your hands, beat on your chest, put on some music, go for a walk, lie down or stand up: almost anything you do will be *YOU* doing it. Let yourself resettle, and let the trip continue. It’s YOUR trip, and if it get weird, change your angle, change your focus, change your breathing. Be you.

I’ve found myself laughing uncontrollably; I’ve found myself gasping on black sand, on a black beach, under a black sky; I’ve found myself swimming around inside the body of a lover; I’ve found myself lost in the smile of a friend; I’ve found myself reviewing aspects of my life I’d never considered before, and carving a new me out of the old me; I’ve seen the world around me turn suddenly into a beautiful & elaborate wood-veneer-inlaid scene; I’ve marveled at the sound of a concert emanating from a beer can on tthe ground and not from the speakers; I’ve watched a toilet march around the walls of a bathroom... (I eventually caught it, luckily); I’ve found myself responding naturally and effectively to circumstances around me as they changed (in one case, a friend who broke his leg)...and it was all very easy and natural. Letting go includes letting go of worrying about what you have to do to be yourself.

After all that typing, though, it just seems like a lot of bullshit...don’t “act”. BE.
“Don’t worry, be happy”?

In my case, it was surprisingly easy...I was tripping with friends, folks who had tripped both more often and more recently than I; instead of minimizing my dose, as I’d done before, I took two hits instead of my usual one-half. As it was coming on, I got “tense and nervous...can’t relax”, and one of my friends asked me what I needed.

“I need to know that if I let go, if I just go with it, I won’t “go away” - I won’t lose myself, I’ll still be me”.

“That’s easy,” I was told: “you can’t lose anything that’s really *you*, so you’ll still “be there” even if you let go”.

I immediately felt much better, and I did a little stretching to overcome the tension I’d accumulated...and then I just rolled with it. Let go and let it take me, ‘secure’ in the idea that -whatever I experienced, I wouldn’t ‘turn into’ someone or something else...and it just flowed from there. It was one of the best trips I’ve ever had. Since then I’ve tripped dozens of times at least, and I’ve gotten lost in my head, lost in time, lost in space, but always been me - and able to come back and still be me.

But that doesn’t really address your question...umm, [zen-mode] how must a rock act to preserve its rock? It only need to be what it is [/zen]

If you *are* that spark of awareness, simply *being* it is enough...in slightly more detail, don’t do anything you wouldn’t do, and you’ll be fine...and remember you’re on a trip: if your brother turns into a giant preying mantis, it’s your mind playing games - watch the show, but don’t get caught o in the game: don’t kill your brother in an effort to save the world from the bug invasion! If it gets disturbing, remember it’s your brother, and look at something else - stretching is *always* a great way to shift your focus - pet your cat, rub your face with your hands, beat on your chest, put on some music, go for a walk, lie down or stand up: almost anything you do will be *YOU* doing it. Let yourself resettle, and let the trip continue. It’s YOUR trip, and if it get weird, change your angle, change your focus, change your breathing. Be you.

I’ve found myself laughing uncontrollably; I’ve found myself gasping on black sand, on a black beach, under a black sky; I’ve found myself swimming around inside the body of a lover; I’ve found myself lost in the smile of a friend; I’ve found myself reviewing aspects of my life I’d never considered before, and carving a new me out of the old me; I’ve seen the world around me turn suddenly into a beautiful & elaborate wood-veneer-inlaid scene; I’ve marveled at the sound of a concert emanating from a beer can on tthe ground and not from the speakers; I’ve watched a toilet march around the walls of a bathroom... (I eventually caught it, luckily); I’ve found myself responding naturally and effectively to circumstances around me as they changed (in one case, a friend who broke his leg)...and it was all very easy and natural. Letting go includes letting go of worrying about what you have to do to be yourself.

After all that typing, though, it just seems like a lot of bullshit...don’t “act”. BE.
Then here is the question.

Were you..YOU the whole time?

And are you YOU on the other side?

I contend that we are not "us" when we are in that state and we never return to who we were again.
From my perspective, psychedelics seem to bridge the gap between conscious and sub conscious thoughts, feelings, and self. So I don’t believe I can loose myself, but rather find deeper understanding of my inner existence. Learning to eliminate the barriers that cause internal conflict and Developing a better relationship with “me”.
Then here is the question.

Were you..YOU the whole time?
And are you YOU on the other side?

I contend that we are not "us" when we are in that state and we never return to who we were again.
“WHO asks this question?”

Experience changes us: the changes may be minor or major, but nothing we experience leaves us unchanged, so I agree with you there! When I’m tripping, I’m not thinking about work, or how my hair looks, or if I’m being loud or quiet enough, or whether I’ve forgotten to pay a bill on time - in much the same way I’m not *that* “me” when I’m listening to some incredible music, or riding a rollercoaster, or having sex. Diving into water is something I can’t “think about” when I’m diving: I have to *dive*, not think about diving or I can’t do it (hat-tip to my offspring: teaching ‘how to dive’ was very illuminating for me.

Is the you that left the same as the you that came back? From listening to Strawinski’s ‘Rite of Spring? From outer space, from Timbuktu, or the corner store? After you return, are you “you” AGAIN, or are you *still* you, just modified by the experience? Do you know your family, your profession, where you live, who your friends are? Or must you learn all that again because you’ve become someone else? Are there other states in which we’re not “us”? At church, maybe? Or at work? In dreams? In a coma?

You contend we are not “us” when we’re “out there”. I’m curious what brings you to this conclusion.

Rather than dipping into ideas about perception filters and quantum states of consciousness, a friend of mine, who is an experienced acid-head, recommends this TED talk from a neuroanatomist, which might be more...responsive to your questions: at any rate, I hope you get something out of it. Fascinating conversation, I hope you’re enjoying it as much as I am.
