250 watt S.C.R.O.G Grow


Well-Known Member
31 days flowering
oright ive been giving them water for about 2 weeks no nutes i gave 2 of the plants some Guano yesterday 10-10-0 yesterday to get some green back into them.. the top of one the plants the edge of the leaves are drying is this a problem do i need to flush this one??? do you think the guano was bad idea will this cause more burn???

plus here some pix let me know anything you might think will help...thanks



Well-Known Member
lookin good......flush flushity flushflush unless you wanna save that guano but i wouldn't have put that on while having trouble


Well-Known Member
5 weeks flowering
ive been feeding 3 of the plants seabird guano 10-10-0 .. 1 plant seems to be really nute burnt ive been only feeding this plant strickly water. but it hasnt showeed any improvements i think i might have to flush this one if ido its in a 2 gallon container how much water do i flush it with???? and please any help or suggestions on the other plants would be much apreciated im kinda in a head crisis there turning yellow on me.. made it through vegg and 2 weeks of flowering now there all yellow and burnt oh man... also could they recover before harvest and show me green again????

plant 1: yellowing of leaves and drying of the lower ones losing lots of leaves any suggestions???

plant 2:suffering from nute burn been strickly on water. losing most of its leaves please i need some help with this one i think i might have to flush..

plant 3:just started to get some yellow leaves been feeding 10-10-0 solution of seabird guano any suggestion or help would be great...

plant 4: also has the yellowing of the lower leaves and the loss of some leaves


Well-Known Member
i would try to save as many leaves as possible sense your so far into flowering and pray that it doesnt get worse

those wher looking so good what happend?


Well-Known Member
hey guys noob question for ya is there a "How To" on doing a SCROG? How to set it up and how to maintain the plants so that they grow straight up instead of super bushy.

Seems really effective on small spaces and I'm looking for a method for my next grow to optimize my space.


Well-Known Member
i started feeding them Fox Farm Tiger Bloom after 2 feedings they started show some nute lock .. after a week or 2 they started dryng up on me i blame the nutes and my measurment the bottle said give 2 teaspoons a gallon for indoor plants should have cut that back some...
the light is about 7-8 inches from the tallest head heat doesnt seem to be the issue

Land of the Free?

Well-Known Member
Dude I just read a bunch of times that you need to do a flush and then you keep saying maybe I should do a flush. I think you should flush now Bro! That strain looks awesome and I hope you get it dialed in. This thread is very helpful because i'm a noob to and have similar issues. Funny I am also using a 250 watt Hps and TigerBloom. You should check my grow pics. I also have pics of nute burn. The more I read your post the more clear its getting.

Marijuana Growing - Land of the Free?'s Albums

I think I am going to do the scrog method as well because I read of higher yields.
However, in the scrog method I believe that your supposed to bend the bud tops down along the screen, and tie them down more flat. This way all the bud tops will receive lots of light for higher yields. Correct me if im wrong. I think someone mentioned that earlier i.e bending

And about flushing everyone. They say flush 3 times the volume of container, but how fast would you pour the water through? I assume it's a little at a time through out several hours right?

I can see clearly now the nute burn is gone.. I can see all buds are bright and green.



Well-Known Member
yea i flushed her today so will see how she recovers.. yea some tie down the plants early in vegging but my plants were so branchy that i just had to pull down the tallest tops.. but i plan to try a LST method next round maybe a SCROG again

heres how they looked after a week with the Screen
there pretty bent just cant see that well

Land of the Free?

Well-Known Member
Good for the Flush!! I hope it helps, and yeah it's hard to tell that you bent them and tied em down. Now I have to look up LHT method as I forget what that is.lol

Good Luck Bro!


Well-Known Member
Week 6 flowering today and watering day back to original feeding schedule just reduce the amount of nutes i was giving and have ph balanced about 6.5 is this ok??

Plant 1.
the plant that was suffering from nute burn seems to be bouncing back ive fallen in love with this particular plant it has the most resin production out of all the plants but the smallest buds. she smells reall fruity almost like perfume she coming along nicely i think.. my camera does the plant no justice wish it was better lol

Plant 2.
this one is next to the nute burn she was suffering from lack of nutes been giving her some tiger bloom she seems to be doing great really coming along nicely dense buds hope the get bigger.

Plant 3.
this one seems to be the shortest but is the same strain as plant 2. really dense buds same as plant 2 she suffered from lack of nutes she loss lots of leaves but seems to be recovering well.

Plant 4.
This plants seems to be the healthiest out of all of them she did suffer from a little nute defect but seems to be fine now. this plant i think is gonna go longer than all the others prolly 8 weeks + but is really starting to show fat and dense buds this was a seed from a Christmas bag a while back i kept ..



Well-Known Member
lookn good dude.. maybe another week or 2 .... i would be getn that eye lupe or scope out to check now