2nd attempt bubba and chem 600hps foxfarm organic


Active Member
so heres my 2nd attempt im around 2 weeks into flower other then the powdery mildew they seem happy im finding soil to be very forgiving but very slow
i have 3 pre 98 bubba a chemdawgD and a 91chem my soil mix is 1part light warrior 2 parts ocean forest 1 part perlite with a cup of piece of mind fruit and flower
they have been givin r0 water up till week 1 of flower when i got some big bloom
my light is 600watt hps and is around 3ft from the top of the soil and a foot or closer to tops of the plants
my temps useally run right in the 72-76 range but has gone as low as 59 lights off and as high as 83 lights on RH runs low around 25-40% useally on the low side
i have videos of it on youtube under DTR215 any help or comments will be greatly aperciated



Active Member
the video is on youtube

my camera is broken dont buy a kodak easyshare C340 its crap and theres no memory stick for the handycam so these are just frames from the video

they are 18 - 23 inches tall temp is 73 atm and rh 25%

im a medi grower and this is for personal use

please comment any advice or questions are welcome thank you



Active Member
heres some more pix got a new camera
they are a bit over 2 weeks in flower

its been 8 days since i sprayed them with sulfer it seems to still be on there good idk how long i should wait to spray again since the humidity has gone down along with more airflow

they are around 18-23 inchs tall 12inches from the light and its a 600 watt hps so light should be potent on my girls



Active Member
im useing bigbloom organic foxfarm for liquid nutes the soil is ocean forest with lightwarrior and some piece of mind fruit and flower dry fert

i have most of the advanced nutes from prior attempt but they are 3 years old so im worried about useing them
the sensi zym i tossed but i dont know about the rest

the last 2 pix are my AN from about 3years ago does anyone know if they are useable or any way of testing



Active Member
one on the left is great grand daddy purple and the right is 91 bubba kush
good bubba is my favorite it really helps with insomnia


Active Member
the nug is just what im smokeing from the green angel great grand daddy purple just messing with new camera it was a cheap one

the 91 was a bit thirsty but shell be ok just put up another video on youtube of it right when i took the pix




Well-Known Member
the nug is just what im smokeing from the green angel great grand daddy purple just messing with new camera it was a cheap one

the 91 was a bit thirsty but shell be ok just put up another video on youtube of it right when i took the pix

Hey bro... I'll read the whole thing soon. One tip.... to post youtube videos you take the code shit after the = and put in between youtube brackets:


lose the ...'s and you have (in order):





Well-Known Member
Plats look pretty great to me bro. I would say you could spray them again with sulphur to keep the PM away... but if you didn't get it that bad, once may be enough.

That's a ton of AN nutes. I would write an email to AN and ask them which of it should still be good. I know that some nutes last years and years.. but others not so much.

That GDP is pretty sick looking. It's funny becuase I really miss getting herb from the dispensary. But I sure as hell don't miss paying for it.

I noticed in some of the pics the tips of the leaves looked a tiny tiny bit curled up. Might want to back off the nutes a tiny tiny bit. (i don't know what's with me saying tiny twice in a row)

What the hell is the pic of the fly death about?

Looking forward to seeing thes girls progress. I love ChemDog... and if you can beleive it... I've never smoked Bubba Kush (that I remember).


Active Member
thanks for checking it out

i was thinking i should spray them tonight since they are about 3 weeks in now and 10days since last sprayed then greencure if i see anything pop up its hard to tell since the sulphur looks kinda like pm

iv emailed them 2x basically they will only tell me to toss sensi zym and that the rest have a minimum of 2 years and the ph up/down longer

they were kinda abused as babies the 2 chems idk how chemD is even alive started it from same size as the 91 and just fryed it for a week with nutes i transplanted and all the roots were dead all the way up to the small rockwool cube after that transplant thev been in the foxfarm mix with just phd water phd to what idk i realized my meters been broken until about a week ago when i got the cheap ph test with the drops and gave them bigbloom organic at half strength for the daily feed sechudal thev been feed that 2 or 3x then lastnight i flushed then gave them 1tsp per gallon of blackstrap molasses hopefully they perk up a bit ill try giving just ro water next feeding and check the run off

the fly is just a bastard pos eating my girls iv seen no more then 1 at a time i think its just coming back to life

bubba is kinda generic great smell and taste super dense but for me it helps the most with insomnia i really do like switching it up is what ill miss about the clubs but like you said i wont miss paying for

if i can find clones that have no problems it would be awesome to have 1 mother with a bunch of strains grafted on but at this point i think ill stick with 1 room start from clones and just try to get through a few grows before i try anything more complicated then starting from clone

do you think they will fill in better or stay popcorn they are pretty small but only about 3 weeks into flower i really need to write things down more

thanks again for the help


Well-Known Member
Yeah... taking notes really helps. It's what I credit as making big difference in my first grow. I took great notes everyday, and poured over them. Took hella time, but got some sweet buds from it.

I would toss the sensizym like they say... and go ahead and use the other shit. They would say if they thought it was bad... they just can't promise it's good. I'd use it.

I think go ahead and spray again to be safe. No reason not to right. It's not lke you are close to harves.

And for sure the buds will swell... get a little fat. Maybe two weeks from now they will get there.

And I have to say... they look amazing after hearing of the abuse you handed out. I treated my latest girls bad too... but they still took care of me.


Active Member
thanks for the support man it really helps since no one but my wife sees it and shes as clueless as i am i think i will give it the advanced nutes a try on the clone that was supposed to be a mother since shes nothing but a g if im lucky


Active Member

i havent sprayed sulphur in about 2 weeks now the sulphur is still on just the older leafs

gonna keep an eye on them but i dont think they will need water till tomorrow

not sure if i should go plain water molasses or organic big bloom was thinking just plain water

the bubbas have bigger denser buds then the chems but the chemD has some nice chunks while the 91 has long thin colas everywhere

totaly clueless on what they will be in a few weeks

hopeing for the best expecting the worst

rh in the high 20's temp high 70's atm

plenty of air flow and ventilation 24/7


Active Member
the 91chem has albino bud

idk what thats about maybe to much light?:dunce:



Well-Known Member
Crazy albino bud man. That can't be too much light... it's all in the middle. I think it's just a freak think... that bud is just albino, haha.

Everything else look just great. :bigjoint:


Active Member
thanks man im glad i found your youtube video i was so over it once i got pm after my first run having mites but im hanging in there learning alot and starting to have fun with it


Well-Known Member
I'm stoked you found my video too. It's great to have growing buddies. We all learn from eachother... see new things... share stories. This growing thing really is fun... especially if you aren't stressing over bugs and mildew and shit. Plus it's just so great to never have to buy weed.

From what I can tell plants like you. It's a very rewarding relationship to nurture. The plants give you a lot in return... at least if you let them. Plus you get a greater appreciation and a deeper relationship with the living world as a whole. Trees will look at you different. Grass will bend diffeently under your feet. They all recognize you as a friend... at least in time.

I'm so glad you could find some real enjoyment from growing.

Happy New Year. 2010 is going to be great! :bigjoint:


Active Member
they are still small but getting fatterbongsmilie

im guessing the yeild will be small but potent

havent sprayed sulphur again yet kinda looked a bit like it on one spot of a 91 leaf on a inside branch

i thined her a bit i have greencure otw was gonna rinse a spot on one of the girls and spray with that to see how it works

just hard to tell whats going on with the sulphur being simular in apperance

went to green angel today for some Great Grand Daddy Purple was taken a few pix otw and totaly missed taken a pic of a GT40:wall: and the camo Porsche hasnt been back since i got the camera

i guess ill miss the drive out

just another video trying to burn off this disc so i can just switch to my camera


