2nd Attempt - CFL PC Grow - Going good


Active Member
Good Luck. Just started my first grow with 12 23 watt 6700k cfls.
Used bag seed. Had heat issues of 115F now at 73F.
Anyhow cool setup and good luck.


Well-Known Member
Day 40 - 18MAR09 - Is it time to LST?
Lights: 2x 32w 6700k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6
Temp: 33.3 c

So, not much going on plant wise although...

It's the big FOUR ZERO. That's right. 40 days. Happy Birthday plant! You made it this far!

Question 1:
Should I LST or top? Or a combination? What method should I use?
Question 2: Is it time to go 12/12?



Well-Known Member
Craker ass Cracker! J/K thats gonna scar....got one on my thigh from an old Atv. Check out supercropping. It seems scary but what they did was lightly break the stalk sidways instead of topping. LIKE A BONZAI. I wish i kew the post but he had a day by day on it and at first it look broken but it ended up growing a little horizontally then up....making extra tops, healed in a day or two. He said the most important thing to to is not to ruin the "tube" inside the stem. As long as fluids can go through the branch it will not die. I haven't ever tried it personally cause I can't grow nuttin, killed several cacti and so many more weeds. I had luck with one plant and it wasn't even mine. It must have been dropped seed or someting out in the woods acroos from my old house. It even left half of it after it was ready for 3 days b4 coming back to get the rest....just in case, the bullies in my hood would fuck u up fo real, count on stiches and 3 on 1. So i was careful about not steallin, ya heard.


Active Member
Well I got like Four
their all in small chia Herb Garden pots right now
I moved my lights up today beacause I'm starting to see
my leafs are starting to go downwards and i see yellow burn looking parts


Well-Known Member
12 lights for 4 plants is a lot :) But i wouldn't say 100% overkill.

So guys, what type of size management should I use for my plant?


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm currently doing LST, it's really easy to do, and the new side growth is doing great. Choose whatever you like, I went for LST and I'm quite happy how it's going so far :)


Well-Known Member
awesome grow!
it's refreshing and a morale booster to see someone whos a regular small time grower, not some monster hydro setup thats done in 60 days


Active Member
awesome grow!
it's refreshing and a morale booster to see someone whos a regular small time grower, not some monster hydro setup thats done in 60 days
I highly agree. Too many people think you need a big room and expensive setup. If more people saw this I think there would be more growers. Its a great way to start out.

At the end of the day, as long as i got something that I made, and can smoke at a fraction of the street price, its a successful grow.


Active Member
Guy's my plant is way to small for 40 days? Right?
Well you did say at the beginning this was more of an experiment than for the yield, haha. Compared to outside, yes it is very small, but for your setup, its not horrible.

Only two 26w lights, both being 4100K i think you said? It isn't optimal conditions. It'd probably be a little bigger if you had bulbs more for vegetative growth right now (6200K i think), then switch to a flowering bulb later (2700K).
Also, That week you came back from the trip may have stressed it out a little too.

At least you have first hand knowledge now and and something to work off of. You can tweak techniques on your next grow. Don't lose hope. I want to see it finish very badly. I love microgrows.