2nd degree murder. "...egregious on many sides, on many sides."!??

Did you notice how many black people that were there? Very few because there not stupid, You all would be in the heart of it talking shit and getting your faces smashed. Thats why I went Jeeping lol
I believe in freedom, if the white nationalists "I call them dipshits" want to have rally let them, Just don't go. I'm sure they would get bored and go back to fucking their sisters.
Being America they do have this right, but the counter protesters have the same right as well. Just sad that in 2017 we still have fuckers with this white supremacy bullshit. Someone needs to do a research on recessive vs dominate genes, the studies might surprise you.
David Duke, a former leader of the white supremacist Ku Klux Klan, was in Charlottesville for the rally, according to his Twitter account.

"We are determined to take our country back," Duke said in a video reportedly from the rally. "We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. That's what we believed in. That's why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he's going to take our country back."

Fuck Trump

the fucking KKK is actively rooting for trump and neo-nazis who throw hitler salutes but totally not racist, just "economic anxiety".
I catch a sturgeon 2 years ago I don't think that was it though.
You are all dumb people, sorry.
More of your foolish games?
You go girl!!
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because 1st degree would've had to have been thought out prior to going to event.

this was on purpose, but heat of the moment.
exhibit A: it happened before. it's clearly a trend. he could have easily thought it out in advance.
get busted for crack possession and they trump it up to sales but kill a protester and they soften the charges.
oh and exhibit B: he didn't go on a rampage like the van in London, he acted calculatingly probably figuring to get away with it.
What part of this can't you read?

"This represents a turning point for the people of this country. We are determined to take our country back," Duke said. "We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. That's what believed in. That's why we voted for Donald Trump."

And Trump's reply?
Doesn't distance himself from Duke's words one bit. He just mumbled something about hate bad but comes from all sides. By the time Trump mumbled his tepid response, the woman had been dead for some time. Plenty of time for Trump to have been given word of her murder. Trump is the white supremacists guy and Trump needs their support right now too. Nobody else is supporting him.